MEN Series: Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter in ‘Taboo, Part 3’

Taboo, Part Three (Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter) at

Taboo, Part Three (Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter) at
Taboo, Part Three (Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter) at

Taboo, Part Three (Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter) at

Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter in ‘Taboo, Part 3’ at

Domonic Michaels loves a little kink, but he’s too shy to let his muscular beau Cazden Hunter in on his secret.

Cazden Hunter can feel that something is going on, but he cannot quite put his finger on it. He jumps beefy Domonic Michaels as soon as he walks through the front door. He surprises Domonic with a little kink of his own!

Both men are shocked to find out they have that in common. Therefore, waste no time acting on their passion and pleasure.

Watch as Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter at

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Watch as Domonic Michaels Fucks Cazden Hunter at

whodunit? says:

Domonic looks like a model.

nodoubtfan says:

A yes all around for me, especially for the harnesses.

Brian Sky says:

Do you have a chest harness fetish? What is all about that? I used to think that was a posture corrector

nodoubtfan says:

They can be used to correct posture. (Especially during doggy style.)

Proud Nerve says:

Cazden is perfection.

No_No_No_Yes says:

This actually looks like it would have been hot – had it been made anywhere else. JESUS the stills are horrible, get an actual photographer or just do screen grabs – you suck balls.

Scrapple says:

I’m not hating Cazden’s timely use of a Freddie Mercury style ‘stache.

Dom is all kinds of hot, but the cockring and the spongey dick is not a good look.

Eclipse says:

Was literally thinking the same thing (shocker). It’s really working for me too, especially paired with the harness.

Alann6 says:

These two are hot. Men needs to feature them more often.

Guy says:

I do like the look of the pornstache on Cazden.

gaycockluvr says:

Dominic is fine as fuck and this Cazden dude is pretty hot too. meh on the mustache, but I like everything else

Dev.C says:

Yes Dominic Michaels is cute and all but y’all really need to stop putting things like harnesses on these limp dick straight men as if they have any idea of it’s significance to the culture. Yes I understand it’s make believe but it’s also unrealistic and he looks confused.
I would expect more but it’s MEN we’re talking about.

tysandsnyc says:

Dom needs to do a scene with Sean Xavier. Or Jason Vario

JK3 says:

Dom is sexy, but I need him to get better at topping. I mean… this is good enough for MEN since the bar is very low, but it just feels like a waste for him to be sooo damn hot and top like that. This topping would not fly over at Rawstrokes or Breeditraw.

Devin says:

I thought the purpose of a cock ring is to help you keep an erection. It didn’t seem to help Domonic at all. He should only bottom if he can’t get his Dick hard. He’s a weak top and the limp dick was disappointing