Brother Crush: Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock in ‘Running Away’

Running Away (Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock) at Brother Crush

Running Away (Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock) at Brother Crush
Running Away (Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock) at Brother Crush

Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock in ‘Running Away’ at Brother Crush:

Every little boy tries to run away at some point, and Austin Lock is no different.

When his dad gets really mad at him one day, Austin Lock packs a bag and decides to run for it. Except, his stepbrother, Dublin Grey, catches him in the act. He can’t imagine living without him — he loves the little guy too much.

So, Dublin Grey offers to help Austin Lock pack while he devizes a plan to make him stay. Dublin discovers that Austin has packed a pair of his big-boy underwear so that he can bring a piece of his older brother with him.

In fact Austin is wearing a pair of his undies right that moment! Once he strips down, the older boy’s giant cock gets rock hard, and he knows sticking it in his buddy’s hole will probably do the trick.

The little guy unleashes a fountain of jizz with the boner inside him — no way he’d run away now, he’s gonna want that dick every day!

Watch as Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock at Brother Crush

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Watch as Dublin Grey Fucks Austin Lock at Brother Crush

Scrapple says:

Brother Crush: For when Family Dick isn’t enough.

Jean Grey's Anatomy says:

I assumed this would be part of Family Dick…

Scrapple says:

They’re brother cousins.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Uncle fuckers. Pretty sure Austin is also his own grandpa.

No_No_No_Yes says:

You are so goin ta hell.

Kazu says:

Enough of this kind of sites!
How can this even be a fantasy???

Tempest says:

Whoever is paying for this, fuck you.
Whoever created this, fuck you.
Whoever remotely finds this arousing, fuck you.
Whoever falls into all those categories, fuck you.

No_No_No_Yes says:


No_No_No_Yes says:

No the fuck they did not.

Gazzaq says:

I thought Austin Locke has retired from doing Porn ?????