Bait Buddies: Dante Drackis (Str8) and Joe Parker (Bait)

Dante Drackis (Str8) and Joe Parker (Bait) on

Dante Drackis (Str8) and Joe Parker (Bait) on
Dante Drackis (Str8) and Joe Parker (Bait) on

Joe Parker Fucks Dante Drackis at BaitBuddies:

Joe Parker is finally back at the studio and we’re so happy to see him again! He’s still just as hot, has the same awesome personality, and he still has that big, fat, thick, beautiful dick! Newly single, Joe is ready to get laid again and make some money in the process!

Dante Drackis is this week’s straight guy and he’s sexy as well! He has long brown hair, and nice hairy body, and he’s sporting a big uncut cock and a nice little bubble butt to go with it! Dante is single as well and he’s here basically for the same reasons as Joe… To get laid and make some money!

Caruso tells both guys to strip down and get hard. It doesn’t take long before both guys are rock hard and ready to fuck. Caruso breaks the bad news that the girl isn’t going to make it so the only way anyone can make money today is if both guys will have sex with each other. Surprisingly, Dante says he’s pretty open and needs the money so he agreed to give it a try! If only they were all this easy!

Watch as Joe Parker Fucks Dante Drackis at Bait Buddies

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Watch as Joe Parker Fucks Dante Drackis at Bait Buddies

Ginger Loverboy says:

someone’s got bills to pay…

DaveAtom says:

Dante, huh? I’m glad to see more of him. But he’s in the crappy studios. Others should take care of him as soon as possible.

moondoggy says:

Ohhh, Dante … one too many. Possibly two … And I say that as a fan.

Gennaro says:

He looks hot. And I love how he always gets fucked in his scenes

No_No_No_Yes says:

I loved Joe, but I am going to need him to trim that shrub WAY down, I like his hair -if the beard were more groomed I’d totally be getting a Sam Elliot thing. He needs to get his ass to the gym, that lack of upper body isn’t cute, his definition is shot. Shapeless Joe is not workin for me.

Dante! JESUS, snatch that DICK! All the sudden you are everywhere, and in the coarse of a week?! Way to dedicate. Gorgeous butt, I am even kinda diggin the whole 70’s gay boy thing. This site is tired as fuck, These two in a scene at NDS, I’d be all in.

Scrapple says:

Sam Elliott can get it. Across the decades. Joe’s look here made me think of James Remar’s character on Black Lightning.

DeeGee says:

You guys are scaring me. Daddy Joe needs to rebuild his forearms, once the most masculine bit of skin in the biz.

Proud Nerve says:

He’s g4p? What a letdown…

No_No_No_Yes says:

I wouldn’t believe half of what you see or anything you read. Joe parker was married to a woman when he started gay porn, and I am pretty sure he is an out gay man now. As for Dante – I don’t care if he thinks he is a unicorn, long as he is ass up, he can be Betty White, I don’t care.

Kanaka says:

I know Joe. He’s gay and out. Never married a woman. Started porn with his bf CJ Parker at High Performance Men. He’s a sweet man.

No_No_No_Yes says:

PS – When you see Joe next, tell him the few extra pounds is all good, but CHEST AND ARMS!! Also – crop that crazy looking beaver on his face. I am loving the hair though, and I am glad he came back! I hope he bottoms some more – he looks so hot with a big dick in him.

No_No_No_Yes says:

No shit? I could swear I read somewhere he was straight and married, then came out later. SEE never believe everything you read lol. I’ve gotten to the point I don’t much give a shit, I DO however really despise all the “turn the straight guy” shit. ALMOST as much as I deplore all the incest/pedo/rape porn that is getting pumped out right now.

These sites are basing a large part of their content on search engine reports, which adds a whole new level of alarming to this, but worse yet – it leaves a bunch of closet perverts in charge of what is represented in gay porn. In short, gay porn has been hijacked by the skeezy. ALL of this shit reflects on us whether we care to admit it or not.

How in the world did it happen that GAY scenes are the minority of GAY porn? SMFH

Kanaka says:

And Bait Buddies is the worst. “Um…the girl can’t make it but I’ll tell you what…I’ll double the money if you guys get it on…” Yuk! But it’s a local studio so it’s easy for him.

Tempest says:

Maybe you mean Max Sargent? He mentioned he married a woman out of fear, then came out years later.

lb blue says:

The “Str8” & “B8” is totally arbitrary. They’ve had actual real-life gay porn stars listed as “str8”. It’s all marketing, not their real life identities.

Proud Nerve says:

Unfortunately he’s g4p. Check his twitter. “The straightest gay porn star”. Barf.

lb blue says:

The “Str8” & “B8” is totally arbitrary. They’ve had actual real-life gay porn stars listed as “str8”. It’s all marketing, not their real life identities.

Proud Nerve says:

Let’s hope it’s the case here

Scrapple says:

Joe Parker already had an older look, but he has aged a lot here.

What a difference a beard makes. Without it Dante looks like Donte Thick with long hair. With it he’s recalling Rudolf Martin’s playing Dracula on Buffy. Either way, both looks work. He just needs better studios.

DTG says:

Oh, Joe. What happened? This was him less than a decade ago. He doesn’t need to be working in porn, he needs an intervention.

Steve Crockett says:

There are some guys in porn who’s dicks are instantly recognizable without having to see who’s face its attached to – Rafael Carreras, Paddy, and Joe Parker – or as I like to refer to him – Compass since his dick is always pointing north! I bet it tastes as good as it looks! Always a pleasure to see that rock solid tool in action.

FoineThen says:

This was actually Dante’s first video and it was posted on BaitBuddies back in September, so all the comments about oversaturation should actually be scolding WayBig for not introducing us to this fine specimen the moment he showed up.

btw, speaking of Joe Parker

1) He got older. It’ll happen to every last one of you and some probably weren’t looking all that cute to begin with…


2) He’s in the new BaitBuddies update with another new hairy hottie named Jacob Connar, so let’s see that too.

c_find says:

The Problem is not that Joe Parker got older. He “looks” it. The hair and beard is making him look old hoboish. If he cleaned up the beard and cut his hair he would look way more attractive.

Guy says:

Guys look good, but I hate scenes where a guy gets serviced while concentrating on nothing but the porn on the TV.

freater says:

Joe definitely deserves WAYYYY better.

emercycrite says:

Time has not been kind to Joe.