Boys Halfway House, Incident # 194: Teenage Bully Gets What’s Due

Incident # 194: Teenage Bully Gets What's Due (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House

Incident # 194: Teenage Bully Gets What's Due (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House
Incident # 194: Teenage Bully Gets What's Due (Bareback) at Boys Halfway House

Incident # 194: Teenage Bully Gets What’s Due at Boys Halfway House:

Difficult residents call for difficult measures. We were sure, just having known this guy for a few weeks, that he was a troublemaker. Not only that, but it seemed that he completely lacked a moral compass. Along with this deficiency comes the resulting issues of lack or respect for authority, and flouting of the rules. In addition to being a slob, we were certain that he was breaking some of the most important rules. When we confronted him, he laughed, playing the whole thing off. Well, a quick trip to the bathroom to get his specimen into the test cup was all we needed to proceed.

When he failed (which was really never in doubt), his smile turned around, but only because it suddenly dawned on him what was coming. This teenage bully was about to get what was coming to him – and good. Having just turned 18 a few months ago, he was used to getting a pass. Sure, he had been in and out of trouble for years, but the worst that was ever handed to him was a slap on the wrist. We changed that.

Not gonna lie, his dick sucking wasn’t that great, but just knowing that my dick was probably the first one he ever had in his mouth made me throb even harder. He grimaced a lot, which frankly I was thinking was all part of his act. He seems to over-react to anything if it has to do with his own discomfort. We were yelling at him, though, and keeping him off guard. It was a good rehabilitation session. Hell, even when I told him to spread his cheeks, and he finally realized the extent of what was about to happen, it just seemed so right that he was getting what was due.

He was a difficult virgin to crack open, that’s for sure. And he howled like a little wolf cub. But after fucking his sweet 18 year old hole in doggie, mish, and from behind, his moans turned into whimpers. Once I was to the point that I could feel his ass just swelling around my cock, I knew that he had about had enough. I dumped my load on his hole and shoved it deep inside him. Even then, he had a terrified expression on his face. But I just slapped him around a few times more for good measure. I think he is starting to get the message… finally.

Watch Incident # 194 at Boys Halfway House

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Watch Incident # 194 at Boys Halfway House

McM. says:

Like: The adorable bottom
Hate: The top; can’t fuck
Love: The music in the trailer.

jpghost says:

The top can fuck and handle these bottoms better than any other gay porn producers imo. Look at the genre. It’s totally about letting the viewers feel through him how it’d be to fuck these boys. If you’re focusing on the top and how passionately he fucks and turns on the bottom then this site is not it.

Cubankid says:

If it’s true that he just turned 18 a few months ago (I have my doubts) then that means he was born in the year 2000. The old guy needs to stay in the back and continue to get younger and hotter authority figures like he was doing.

TomCNR says:

Damn I feel old

jpghost says:

Why does it matter what the ‘authority figure’ looks like? This site is about the young boys getting fucked hard. It’s like straight men complaining the male pornstars aren’t good looking enough. They’re supposed to focus on the women.

Gnosis says:

cuz a gross top is a turn off.
Im fine if they never showed the tops face and he stayed clothed but his gut is off putting.

jpghost says:

Ofcourse a top is turn on if the scene is focused on the top. These sites are totally focused on the bottom and you’re supposed to place yourself in the role of the top. Why don’t people get that?

geerdo says:

He is Jack Lowe from Raunchy Bastards

TomCNR says:

Looks like Drake Bell in his late Nickelodeon days

freater says:

Looks pretty good! Wish they’re rougher on him!

jpghost says:

Clay is back again in form. No one handles his models as well as him in gay porn 👍😂🙏 The boy is a bit too hairy in the legs for me but cute enough.

Cubankid says:

haven’t checked my emails yet. I’ll respond this weekend when I have some extra time.