ChaosMen: Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom

Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen

Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen

Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen
Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at ChaosMen

Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at

I had so many issues with paring Aidan Anthony with a model this visit. The first guy I set him up with got a new job with 4-day training that took him out of the running. I had a decent amount of time to find another model. The second guy was tested and ready to go, but then couldn’t get off work. Third guy was waiting for a delivery that was running late.

Ransom, who had picked Aidan up from the hotel, were sitting waiting for the third model who just could not leave. The clock was ticking for Aidan’s return flight home.

Aidan Anthony just flat out told Ransom he would rather fuck him. Ransom texted me and said he was down to be fucked. He’d just done an oral video earlier that week, and wished it had been a sex film.

I said, “Let’s do it!”

Ransom put the car in drive and they were soon at the studio showering and getting ready.

And thankfully, they both were in to each other and shoot was a breeze. Ransom is a little out practice getting fucked, saying it had been since his last video with ChaosMen. Aidan goes nice and easy on him, but occasionally Ransom is whispering to him to slow down.

At first, I thought he was hurting, but nope, he is trying to not cum!

Since he was so close, Aidan Anthony cums first, juicing Ransom’s hole. I had to jump up really quick to catch Ransom as he started cumming as Aidan fucks him with his cum!

Watch as Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at

play-rounded-fill play-rounded-outline play-sharp-fill play-sharp-outline
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Watch as Aidan Anthony Fucks Ransom at

Pascal says:

So Bryan is bringing back all the cute models he’s sadly neglected all year in time for Christmas? Such blatant pandering! We all know you like sad-looking Q-tips better now, Bryan.

trumn10 says:

Where??? When do the cute models start?

Pascal says:

Ransom is cute to me. He had gained that thick daddy aura that Vander lost. Glad to see him getting fucked too.

trumn10 says:

I liked Ransom, but that has to be 8-10 years ago. Enough.

Young Neil says:

This feels like a blast from the past…

…er, sorry for that graphic imagery. I will say that I like this, seeing Ransom every once in a while is a bit nostalgic.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Not exactly earth shaking but given the fare the past week this is a step in the right direction.

Sask says:

Aidan Anthony is hot.

Tempest says:

Can I just say that I appreciate the more quiet and relaxing approach to sex here at CM rather than the stupid, unnecessary, loud, annoying and pretentious sex at SC? You don’t need to loudly play a poem to make sure you’re selling the idea of pleasure, actually I find it more sexy when they whisper each other words.

trumn10 says:

SC thinks loud noise, fake moaning and lame scripted comments make a scene hot.

Tempest says:

And black guys are just “tan”

trumn10 says:

Consistently some of the worst looking guys in porn. Unattractive Aidan, older Ransom (who was hot many many years ago!)
As as subscriber I hope Chaos is better in 2019, it would be difficult to be worse!
Another scene to skip.

Kj says:

Welcome back Ransom. Looking good ! Love to see Stone, Jonas, and Atticus return for some Chaos fun.

Scrapple says:

Ransom is just waiting around with an up to date test, just hoping someone cancels? Whore.

lemonline2 says:

Ransom is looking better than ever!

Scrapple says:

There is no reason Ransom should be wasting that thickness and hotness behind the camera. It’s almost 2019. He can do both. Think of your future, Ransom. Think of your kid’s future. I’m sure there’s braces and or college in the future. Plan now. And bring back your former “roommate” Prentice while you’re at it. That duo should’ve been happened, and not just in Serviced form. I shall also require a rematch with Vander.

Bryan needs to stop playing and get on an Aidan/Jerome scene. It’s been a while since the site went full pig.

Deoxys says:

Ransom was hot af in this scene was so hot! Aiden can go love thick daddy ransom

luizhccorp says:

tommy_capone important

Tempest says:

I’d hold back from giving Sean Cody any kind of props. Because this happened:

And it was in the trailer BEFORE someone punched some sense in them and corrected it.

trumn10 says:

Bryan production quality has always been the best. Getting hot guys has been Bryan’s problem. Sean Cody has simply been awful for a few years now- yet they still put out the badly filmed scenes- they don’t care!

Tempest says:

That is a screenshot from the trailer and the colors are very grayish , that was before the SC’s incompetent crew replaced it with a new color-corrected one. And I just misread the post since I thought you were giving Sean Cody some props and I’m just tired.