Lucas Entertainment: Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier in ‘Big Black Dicks, Scene 3’

Big Black Dicks, Scene Three (Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier) at LucasEntertainment

Big Black Dicks, Scene Three (Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier) at LucasEntertainment
Big Black Dicks, Scene Three (Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier) at LucasEntertainment
Big Black Dicks, Scene Three (Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier) at LucasEntertainment

Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier in ‘Big Black Dicks, Scene 3’ at Lucas Entertainment:

Sean Xavier’s gigantic black dick is plenty for two guys to savor at the same time. Lucas Leon, meanwhile, can’t get enough black up up his ass. To make him happy, Sean and Jason Cox team up and fuck Lucas at the same time for some hole-gaping interracial double penetration! And if Lucas’ ass can’t get enough, Sean Xavier goes further and fucked Jason and Lucas at the same time with a double-headed dildo!

Watch as Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier at Lucas Entertainment

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Watch as Jason Cox and Lucas Leon Share Sean Xavier at Lucas Entertainment

sassy princess says:

Jason is so hot but am I the only one who instantly knew he’s a NYC homo without looking it up?

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I just can’t with the dildos in every other scene.
I know I’ve been very vocal about it (sorry) but it just irks me. When you have such hot guys that happen to be good performers you don’t need to more tricks, just let them do their thing!

No_No_No_Yes says:

I’m giving this entire series the side eye, honestly does anyone think Sean’s dick suddenly turned white? Granted this is Lucas, but for a studio that has long been multiracial to suddenly feel the need to spell it out and often.. makes it feel like someone is having way too much fun with this. Now as a studio that has a long history of looking stupid, you’d think they would find a classier way of capitalizing on that.

Maybe ML thinks Noir Male is taking a big bite out of his bottom line – hell for that matter maybe they are, but this seriously just feels cheap, and for no really good reason. As if you just took all the positive things that might have been said about you (and there aren’t many) and threw them in the dumpster.

Maybe I am being petty, maybe someone needs to grow the fuck up and expand his verbal repertoire.

txhorn says:

I think Lucas Entertainment needs to ratchet up the kink/fetish with something super, ultra, beyond of out left field for them. I know this kink/fetish must be repugnant to Michael Lucas given they almost never do it, but I think its hot. Its called a two way, where you have just two guys in the scene and just those two guys fuck. Not three guys, not four, not seven. Just two. Weird I know.

Seriously, why are 9 out of every 10 Lucas scenes three ways or orgies!? What they hell is wrong with just two guys fucking!? It is like every scene where you like two of the performers has to include one that you either hate or are indifferent to that ruins the chemistry of watching the scene.

Guy says:

Guys are hot as fuck, but not really into the dildo action. I am loving Jason Cox, but it is a pity for I’m to shave his chest.

Curlee says:

another good cast ruined by the direction of delirious Lucas.

Proud Nerve says:

Everything with Jason is a win!