The Guy Site: Kain Rage (a.k.a. Marco at Corbin Fisher) in ‘Cajun MMA In The Woods’

Cajun MMA In The Woods (Kain Rage) at The Guy Site

Cajun MMA In The Woods (Kain Rage) at The Guy Site
Cajun MMA In The Woods (Kain Rage) at The Guy Site

Kain Rage (a.k.a. Marco at Corbin Fisher) goes for a hard dick hike in the Atlantic woods. He shows off his fighting skills and bust a nut almost hands free.

Watch Kain Rage at TheGuySite

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Watch Kain Rage at The Guy Site

No_No_No_Yes says:

“The guy site” is this a joke?

No_No_No_Yes says:

Where. I’m being serious.

McM. says:

There’s plenty of attractive men on TGS. But they don’t DO anything.

The director has more interest in guys walking/running on wooded trails and shadowboxing. Oh, and jumping jacks. If guys happen to fuck the scene ends up “meh” because the director hasn’t a clue about capturing the action.

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

Ugh, I just hope this does not mean he is one of those guys who hops from place to place doing only solos.

Tempest says:

“Kain Rage”

No you’re not HIM, stop it.

Kevin says:

Pretty funny that this site is kinda stealing CF’s thunder.

trumn10 says:

Sad is the first word that came to my mind!

trumn10 says:

This is the type of site that Corbin Fisher now competes with for new guys?
WTF happened to CF?