Sean Cody: Archie Fucks Sean (Bareback)

Archie Fucks Sean (Bareback) at SeanCody

Archie Fucks Sean (Bareback) at SeanCody
Archie Fucks Sean (Bareback) at SeanCody
Archie Fucks Sean (Bareback) at SeanCody

Archie Fucks Sean at Sean Cody:

After getting kinky while watching the perfect sunset, Sean Cody’s Archie and toned hunk Sean sit down for a little chat before going back into the bedroom.

“So, Archie how did you like our little walk to the sunset?” asks brown-haired Sean.

“It was beautiful, especially when you have a hot guy to warm you up. Did it turn you on at all?” replies athletic Archie.

“Yeah, it did, I like PDA; I like to do stuff in public,” answers Sean.

“I know it turns you on that someone could walk out and see you at any moment. They could freak out, but I don’t give a fuck,” explains Archie. “Or they could watch!” retorts Sean.

“For all we know someone might’ve been masturbating to us making out. We could’ve given some dude a great orgasm!” says Archie.

Watch Archie Fucks Sean at Sean Cody

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Watch Archie Fucks Sean at Sean Cody

Jasper Taft says:

Archie! Sean! Happy New Year!

DaveAtom says:

Really great start. I really can’t get enough of Archie, my ideal man. I just wanna be against his sweaty, hairy body for ever. And Sean is pretty hot too. This is heaven.

Neel Dutta says:

How many man do you claim to snatch off from us? Max, Archie, Tegan. Keep something for the rest of us, babe:)…And speaking of Archie, gosshh, I can feast my eyes on that sweet dimpled smile, those lovely, mischievous eyes, that nice cock, and that horny of a furry body all day long. He’s completely my type. Sweet, cute as hell, pretty, fair, handsome, and sexy as well. He, along with Joey, Lane, and Manny, Randy are the only reasons I still watch Sean Cody scenes. Happy New Year, you all.

DaveAtom says:

Happy new year =D
I’m generous, so I can share them ;) Archie is really a gem, for everything you mentioned and more. Seriously, the guy is pushing the right buttons everytime.

Brandon85 says:

As long as I get Jax I don’t care about the rest. He needs some tutoring I know he can be a star pupil.

Rockhard says:

Brysen has an MMA match today on PPV

YourDad says:

I know I’m not the only one who wanted the title to read “Sean Fucks Archie.” Fingers crossed that next time the title will be “Jax and Archie Flip-Fuck.”

Gazzaq says:

I agree am not amused…….


There was something about the way Archie admired & sucked Sean dick that gives me hope .

Redphyro says:

Archie!! What a great way to start the 2019 SC. He really looks hot on that blue shirt. Hope to see more of him this 2019!

DaveAtom says:

Lovely. He is lovely and beyond. I’m madly in love with him. He looks amazing fully dressed and even more amazing fully naked.

Scrapple says:

The crime fighting gig must not pay much if she can only afford one pair of boots.

Tim says:

I love Archie’s hairy body and the way his cheeks get flushed. He’d look great getting fucked by Sean, too.

੬î੩ੇɐ⃣χ ♡ says:

ah, finally!!! Archie, love of my life, I’ve missed you so much!!!!!

pilot101 says:

yaaass!! i love these two

Tempest says:

…am I drunk or do I hear music in the trailer?

Redphyro says:

I dont like this new gimmick they have on their trailer.

Ben_thecoolhobo says:

mindgeek has done fucked up gay porn

Tempest says:

Here’s a scary thought, surely they’re not this retarded to include music in the actual scene? It’s hella distracting, especially if it’s bad and the scene is about guys that I enjoy, I’mma have to destroy a bitch or two if that happens

Redphyro says:

I hope youre wrong. I dont want an Archie scene ruined by a cheesy music and a bad color editing.

Scrapple says:

They damn well know the roles should’ve been reversed. Archie can’t do nothing for that ass except leave it frustrated. This is some old bullshit.
But I’m still gonna watch the fuck out of this.

Redphyro says:

Same here. As long as Archie is in the scene Im going to watch it

Gazzaq says:

Agreed re the role change, but I will not waste my time watching this crap…

Kj says:

Archie…YES. Looking forward to this update tonight. I hope there will be some cum eating !

Redphyro says:

Have you seen the Archie/Kaleb scene? That is one of the best Sean Cody cumeating scene that I saw.

Kj says:

I was hoping for another chapter of glazed Archie, and Sean did come through with some hot cum on Archie’s awesome face.When Archie is hammering an ass, they shoot a long way ! I was hoping Kaleb would shoot when Archie was sucking him…HOT. Archie is now must see on SC. Next up a shot in Archie’s handsome mouth and he licks the dick clean. Please keep the Archie scenes coming. Could it be time for an Archie 3some ?

Redphyro says:

Havent seen this vid yet. And yes its about time for Archie to have a 3some with Josh and Jackson.

DaveAtom says:

THIS. These three in a scene together and life as we know it now will disappear. A new world and new order where everything is right.

Kj says:

Have a 3some with Archie and a combination of Brayden, Josh, Curtis, Murray, Hayes, Jackson, Geoff, Cam, or Malcolm.

Gazzaq says:

What a Crock of Shit. This is Pathetic Poor Sean’s Hot Hole Wasted on this Average Guy. Sadddddddddd!!!!!!

Jasper Taft says:

Well I’m Not Sure We Needed To Have Every Word Capitalized Like This.

Gazzaq says:


Ivan Jimenez says:

I wanna see Jack gangbanged by Randy, Jax, Archie, Robbie & Deacon!

Devin says:

Archie could use some body grooming and teeth whitening. He’s pretty hot, otherwise. I’m tired of Sean. Hopefully, retirement is near.

Bree Van de Kamp says:

I want Archie to breed me in every hole on my body.

trumn10 says:

I feel sorry for Archie. Didn’t need to see scuzzy Sean.

trumn10 says:

Yeah, Let him go back to his wife and kids.

Bair says:

???? How can he go “back to” those he never left? I’ve not read anything about him divorcing his wife and abandoning his children. But, if he had, and now wants to go “back to” them, of course I would “LET” him. Why not? Just as I will “LET” him continue to do porn, if he wants to. I want for Sean what he wants for himself.

trumn10 says:

Ok, back home. Not at SC. You’re a little slow today, or always?

C A says:

I think Sean can handle a DP by Jax and Brysen. I can see that.

Sushi says:

I like Archie, but have no interest in watching Sean fucked for the 20th time. 😩

No_No_No_Yes says:

I think you are missing a zero there.

Starved36 says:

This is what is wrong with Sean Cody 9 times out of 10 the wrong guy gets fucked.

onecrotchman says:

Archie really doesnt kiss his partner? I havent seen any.

Neel Dutta says:

Ohhhh, he does it plenty. Kissing, that is! With a lot of warmth and passion. The one scene which stood out, for me, at least, was the one with Brayden. Their chemistry was pulsating off the roof, and there was a sizzling, full on 5 minutes kissing, if not more.

onecrotchman says:

Lol hhaah gotta watch that scene with Brayden first .Thanks.

Redphyro says:

Better watch all his scenes then. Archie loves kissing.

onecrotchman says:

Oohh. Thanks! I check all of his scenes in this site and they didnt show any picture of him kissing. How odd. 🤔🤔🤔

Redphyro says:

Watch the Archie/Kaleb scene. There is some hot cumswap between them.

Proud Nerve says:

Archie still only tops? Ms. Watermelon still exists? What a waste of space..

Jasper Taft says:

ooh, where did you get that Bair? These guys look hot.

Bair says:

Hi Jasper! I’m enjoying your gifs. The dog one really made me laugh. This scene is from an old BelAmi video with Trevor Yates. I don’t know the name of it. I look for clips online of watermelon sex to make gifs from when some idiot still thinks Sean invented the idea that fucking ass fells like fucking melon. LOL You would think, by now, with the watermelon-sex gifs I send that they would comprehend that it’s a “THING” but comprehension is not the forté of some. Tehehehehehehe!

Jasper Taft says:

thanks, I definitely need to check out Bel Ami some time.

Kevin says:

Sean wasted again bottoming for average Archie who btw needs to do some serious landscaping.

Rough&sweet says:

I was happy to see Sean but when I watched this scene it’s not good as I expected. Seems Men’s editor is involved recently, he cut all repeat-plays off for cumshots as usual ( only the closeups focused on dick instead). I miss the briliant scenes of Sean was edited by good editor in 2015. Does anyone know about any kind of address to send feedback to director? the address doesn’t work!

Brandon85 says:

How hard is it to film and edit porn after all these years?

Rough&sweet says:

At least they should keep up the groundwork for a good quality

Redphyro says:

How long is the vid? Havent seen it yet.

Rough&sweet says:

Sean & Tanner in 2015 ( perfect camerawork and editing)

Brandon85 says:

I don’t get Archie’s appeal and I’m not longer interested in pancake booty but I’m happy for those of you who like this pairing.

Young Meesh says:

Sean fan for LIFE!!!!

Scrapple says:

As hot as Archie is, the only time I can tolerate him is when he’s sucking on a dick or kissing. Otherwise, I just can’t. That had to be one of the most cringeworthy intros I’ve seen on Sean Cody in a good while. Any good acting teacher will tell you one of the biggest challenges isn’t learning your lines or reacting, it’s listening to your partner. Archie doesn’t listen, because he’s already focusing on his next line. His conversations come off like really awkward interviews. And he fucks the same way. I give Sean props for going through all this just to get some dick. I’m sure he probably shot in Archie’s face on purpose. Even that internal, which hasn’t happened in ages, couldn’t be enjoyed because of Archie’s theatrics. It’s enough.

I’ve long suspected this “autistic fratdouche” thing Archie was doing in all of his scenes was a manufactured persona. The BTS here solidifies that. When Archie kept flubbing his “lines” you can see and hear his natural state. All this stuff he’s doing is for the cameras. Either he thinks this is what a porn model should look like, he’s being told to act like this, or he’s playing a character to distance himself from his feelings. Either way, I’m over it.

nodoubtfan says:

ARCHIE! …and Sean. (Well, half of this scene ain’t bad.)

This music during the trailer makes me feel like I’m watching a clip from The Black Spark.

Mr.Varric says:

Sean taking a dick is always a win for me. And Archie can do no wrong in my eyes. Sean Cody is starting the New Year off with a bang.

Scrapple says:

As hot as Archie is, the only time I can tolerate him is when he’s sucking on a dick or kissing. Otherwise, I just can’t. That had to be one of the most cringeworthy intros I’ve seen on Sean Cody in a good while. Any good acting teacher will tell you one of the biggest challenges isn’t learning your lines or reacting, it’s listening to your partner. Archie doesn’t listen, because he’s already focusing on his next line. His conversations come off like really awkward interviews. And he fucks the same way. I give Sean props for going through all this just to get some dick. I’m sure he probably shot in Archie’s face on purpose. Even that internal, which hasn’t happened in ages, couldn’t be enjoyed because of Archie’s theatrics. It’s enough.

I’ve long suspected this “autistic fratdouche” thing Archie was doing in all of his scenes was a manufactured persona. The BTS here solidifies that. When Archie kept flubbing his “lines” you can see and hear his natural state. All this stuff he’s doing is for the cameras. Either he thinks this is what a porn model should look and sound like, or he’s being told to act like this, or he’s playing a character to distance himself from his feelings. Either way, I’m over it.

No_No_No_Yes says:


david david says:

I really like Archie, but even I couldn’t handle that intro. I had to forward it to the sex part ’cause it was so cringey. I don’t know why they let it drag for three minutes. The acting was really bad. Even the few lines Archie said in the post-sex sounded fake and scripted. What’s funny though is that you can tell Sean was making fun of him in the end by imitating the way he speaks. He waited until he’s done with Archie’s dick before doing that. LOL!

I’d say this persona is a combination of all the things you said. They were both given scripts but he’s the only one who sounds douchey. I’m still looking forward for more Archie scenes, but I wish they won’t let him talk that much next time.

Scrapple says:

Not only did they let it drag, they edited it and repeated a segment. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? I don’t know how Sean kept a “straight” face through all that, but I guess dick was a good motivator. And it’s funny because Sean himself came off pretty douchey in his solo vid, then he slowly became more personable with each vid. That hasn’t happened with Archie. He’s been like that since his solo. At this point I just want to see him in threeways. Put a dick in each hole so I don’t have to hear him or see him try to fuck an ass and end up making a fool of himself.

david david says:

I feel like they intentionally did that because there’s no way anybody from MG would think that was a good intro. Even the director sounded annoyed when he said “You guys are so cordial”. LOL! They’re trolling us at this point. Sean Cody is starting to to morph into a mini-Men(.)com where it’s all about script and hype instead of quality scenes.

I like that idea. I just hope he won’t fake-scream the moment the top put his dick in him. LOL!

੬î੩ੇɐ⃣χ ♡ says:

what part did sean make fun of him? could you tell me the minutes please??

david david says:

It was around 27:56 mark when he said “Thank you for all your hard work”.

ajholditdownbaby says:

OMG I sincerely thought he was on the spectrum after seeing that intro…but like you said he’s probably “playing a role”, either way it was criiiiiiiiiiinge af.

elyp says:

The intro, oh the intro!

My interest in Archie is seriously fading. This is not a good sign.

No_No_No_Yes says:

This might be among the most badly conceived scenes in the history of this site. I can’t say I am surprised because it is a symptom of the lies that G4P represents. Guys who sell their sexuality for 30 pieces of silver, and a happy meal are going to let you down. They aren’t exactly thespians. More just a bunch of lost guys who lacked a better hustle.

I don’t need these moronic “intros”, just fuck already. This site started out with a bunch of so called “straight guys” having gay sex. The intro interview if you could call it that just established that to be sure the porn was hitting it’s target, gay guys who find the idea of straight guys getting fucked hot. The broken taboo.

Given what has been spilled about what these guys actually make – it is safe to say they are not really here for the money. Those guys are the one and done. The guys that remain are here for the dick despite whatever bullshit they tell themselves or you the consumer. What that says about their sexuality.. who cares. I’m not here to watch them figure that out.

Somewhere along the line these morons started thinking, that is where it all went sideways. Scripts? LMMFAO. Please. I don’t need to see them stumbling around in the woods, on a beach doing hand stands, scripted discussions of what they like. Save it. Just fuck already.

That said, this should have been Archie legs up – I have zero use for him any other way. His “acting” if you could call it that.. just stop. I have no question Sean was here for dick, you assholes need to close the deal with Archie or set him to the side. Enough already.

If you learned nothing from the escapades of Brandon – you should have learned that ass only has a shelf life of so long. Eventually people could give two shits whether he gets fucked or not. Archie isn’t hot enough to hang like that.

emercycrite says:

Archie’s dick looks really small next to Sean’s. 😕

Bair says:

Most men’s dick will look really small next to Sean’s. You have stumbled onto a fundamental awareness of comparative science; or objects in relationship to other objects. CONGRATS!

PierredeSiorac says:

Love big-dicked bottom Sean. I know he’s supposedly straight whatever that means for a guy who clearly gets off having a man pound his hole.

James Freedman says:

that hairy ass looks so appetizing

Alex says:

This is a hell of a hot scene. The final cumshots are extra hot: Sean blasting his load all over Archie who keeps on fucking him and creampies him. Gold. Only thing is that Sean is less enthusiastic / sweaty than Archie. Maybe pair Archie with a guy who is not G4P next time

Paschal says:

Does Sean have a clit? It looks like it at the end.

Archie just chews up the scenery. Overacting+++++

Gazzaq says:

Yes even this GIF does not to it for me as this boys dick is too small for Sean Asshole.

Bair says:

So, whatcha trying to say about Sean’s (to my eyes) normal/pleasurable looking hole???? LOL

Gazzaq says:


Gazzaq says:

No but I will agree to disagree.
PS I do like your Gifs…..

No_No_No_Yes says: