Guys In Sweatpants: Newcomer Alonzo Jordon Fucks Theo Brady

Alonso Fucks Theo Brady (Bareback) at Guys In Sweatpants

Alonso Fucks Theo Brady (Bareback) at Guys In Sweatpants
Alonso Fucks Theo Brady (Bareback) at Guys In Sweatpants

Alonso Fucks Theo Brady at Guys In Sweatpants:

Theo is introducing yet another new guy to our roster. Meet Alonzo, a 24 year old Latino stud from Souther California who works in the fitness field, likes the beach and fucking. He’s vers and Theo Brady wanted his 180lbs on top of and inside him, and that’s just what he got.

Alonzo’s ass is a thing of beauty, and Theo Brady couldn’t keep his before getting flipped over, climbed on top of, and penetrated by Alonzo. Face down, ass up seemed to be their favorite position, but can you blame Theo for wanting all that weight dicking him down?

The finished each other off with Alonzo fucking Theo Brady’s load out of him, then Theo sucking down Alonzo’s entire load!

Watch Alonso Fucks Theo Brady at Guys In Sweatpants

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Watch Alonso Fucks Theo Brady at Guys In Sweatpants

geerdo says:

WayBig – His name is Alonzo with z and not Alonso with s.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Lonzo is hot, can’t wait to see his ass get used right. Theo looks way better with his natural hair color, sexy bottom boy. Nice.

Cubankid says:

Theo is so sexy.

Kanaka says:

If I ate that ass you’d have to drag me off to keep me from fucking it.

C3xxx says:

Allons-y, Alonzo!

Rico says:

Wish this would have been a flip. Sexy ass Theo is just as good aggressively topping as he is at taking dick–although he says he prefers bottoming.

Jasper Taft says:

Theo gives me heart palpitations every time.

Scrapple says:

I feel like I’ve seen Alonzo before somewhere else. But I also feel like I’d remember that ass. New or not, he’s hot. Theo always gets the nod. That’s one thing I hate about GISP. Austin’s updates are all over the place so you might not see a fave for a while. One month isn’t that long for a Theo wait, but then it kind of is. And where are Tristan and Tyler? Forest? Brandon?

Devin says:

Says he’s a vers bottom with a big butt. Then tops the skinny guy with no butt. Um, okay. Tf?

Young Meesh says:


ajholditdownbaby says:

Ok?! Lol

Mr.Varric says:

Theo looks real good with his natural hair color. Ive never seen this alonso before.

Young Meesh says:

Why put two bottoms together? Theo likes big dicks. Get it together over there….UGH.

CarlA says:

Mr. Alonzo can get ALL of it!!! 😋😋😋

Guy says:

Not into either guy very much!