Sean Cody: Ace Fucks Chris

Ace Fucks Chris (Bareback) at SeanCody

Ace Fucks Chris (Bareback) at SeanCody
Ace Fucks Chris (Bareback) at SeanCody

Ace Fucks Chris at Sean Cody:

Ace and Chris workout out by the pool, pumping their lats before they pump each other.

“I’m with this sexy guy here and I want to fuck,” says Chris.

“He’s got a really nice ass doesn’t he?” Asks Ace.

The two studs get so hot and heated working out they can barely contain themselves. Ace can’t wait to stretch out Chris and give his ass a proper pounding!

Watch as Ace Fucks Chris at SeanCody

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Watch as Ace Fucks Chris at SeanCody

Quinton Jackson says:

Well this definitely doesn’t look like it could be a Landon and Philip type of scene.

Ace is handsome, but Megamind does nothing for me.

DaveAtom says:

Same for me. Absolute YES to Ace, absolute NO to Chris =/

gaycockluvr says:

MegaMind? LMAO

Quinton Jackson says:

Her head is longer than most futures.

Kanaka says:


Quinton Jackson says:

All day.

Kanaka says:

Stay that way.

Scrapple says:

Sly is in a new scene? No comment. Liam and Phoenix? More silence. Adrian Hart? Nothing. Maxi on Chaos Men? Crickets. Miller on GISP? You focused on the light-skinned Latino. Now this. For once in your life can you support Black men? I know you had to give up being one while working on your degree, but you don’t have to turn your back all the way on your former community.

Quinton Jackson says:

Some of us actually have lives outside of this blog. I’m not on here every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday. When I pop up I see what I see. When you have a legit career and a legit life you tend to put more into that than the “cyber world.” Some would be able to relate better to that than others. Don’t know who Sly is, Liam isn’t my cup of tea, I’ve given praise to Phoenix a few times in the past, I’m not here for Michael Boston topping anything so I paid that Adrian post dust, Maxi does nothing for me, my focus on Angel was pure negative. I’ve given Miler praises many of times in the past since Austin posts are the only ones I actually look for when I return here. Anybody else? No? Okay, enjoy the rest of your day. ✌🏾

Scrapple says:

Ooohhh darling if you can’t handle multi-tasking at your stage of life, you might want to take a few self-help classes at the nearest community college. I promise you, being able to juggle multiple things like a career, an online life and a real-world social life at once will help you out immensely. But I know, it’s easier to lash out than accept advice or criticism. It’s okay. You’ll get there with age. And maturity. I’ll see you at the next picnic. I’ll look for the potato salad with the golden raisins in it so I’ll know you’ve arrived. You enjoy the rest of your lunch break. I realize you have a long day of soliciting ahead of you.

Quinton Jackson says:

The only time I’m multitasking is when there’s multiple dicks in front of me. Other than that I like to focus on one thing at a time. I like to take my time and move slow, I don’t want to rush a leave a mess like your anus. I accept advice from those that are wise not hoes that put together essays on a gay blog. My mid 20’s have taught me a lot already – I’m wise for my age. For example, I know how to deal with those passive aggressive parasites such as yourself. You’re a New Yorker, so I think it’s cute that you think I’m about to sit in any of those low budget parks there. I might get shot before the snacks get passed out. Do you even know what a lawn looks like? A front yard? A back yard? I’ll always make time for you because I’m a very charitable person. ✌🏾

Scrapple says:

You are lovely and amazing and the world is your Rocky Mountain Oyster. But if you plan on being a respectable, profitable and professional lawyer, you might want to work on your bias and stereotyping. Like how you think everyone lives in NYC, which encompasses all of the state, and people don’t have front and backyards. And crime statistics? Do you really want to go there? H-Town has one of the highest crime rates across the US. No wonder your Queen left her kingdom and only returns for photo-ops. And she and Mr. Carter have at least one residence over this ways, so make of that what you will. You have a great day being awesome.

ShadyBootz says:


Darkhog says:

What the Hell, where have Ace and Chris been hiding, got to see what’s up with them!

moondoggy says:

Eh, it’s the thought that counts, I guess.

Mr.Varric says:

Well…….at least they tried something different I guess. I just wish it was somebody else but Chris.

Carl jackson says:

I miss Philip. Nothing turned me on like his self sucking and nice ass.

MrJonnyAngel says:

What happened to Sean Cody’s solos? We haven’t seen a solo in over a month! I know most of you probably don’t like solo j/o scenes, but I actually
think it’s hot seeing a guy get himself off… and speaking of Philip, I
loved his solo scene where we very first met him… and I died when he
started self sucking…. so fucking hot!

Scrapple says:

Sometimes you have to go for that unexpected collab and see what happens.

Nick says:

Stream Medellin on Spotify!

pilot101 says:

And youtube ;)

Scrapple says:

We’ve left La Isla Bonita.
Now we’re on the mainland sucking toes!

Marco Sartori says:

who’s the boy?

Scrapple says:


david david says:

Maluma is such a snack!

Scrapple says:


whodunit? says:

I appreciate them doing something different.

Saturday I hope it’s Jack and Jax.

david david says:

Well… you got half your wish. LOL!

banatskibata says:

what is that fuckin rule top guy dont suck a dick?

trumn10 says:

It’s hard to understand how SC can keep hitting new lows on a consistent basis, but they keep doing it. Just a horrid site.

JK says:

Agreed completely.

trumn10 says:

Unfortunately we can do nothing to force improvement, except cancel en masse, hope declining he in revenue results in change.


The best part of the this update came when the scene ended !

EhWhatever says:

Wait is this a sean cody scene where neither guy is white?


They’ve had hotter guys but hey A for effort.

david david says:

Haven’t seen this yet but I hope this has the same amount of chemistry as Chris’ last scene with Kurt. I still can’t get over how good that scene is.