Active Duty: Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes Flip-Fuck

Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes Flip-Fuck at ActiveDuty

Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes Flip-Fuck at ActiveDuty
Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes Flip-Fuck at ActiveDuty

Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes Flip-Fuck at ActiveDuty:

Bradley Hayes and Blake Effortley give us a quick introduction and right into it they go. Blake Effortley wraps his mouth around that big cock eagerly and sucks every inch of it. Bradley Hayes uses his hands to push Blake down on his dick which makes Blake gag on it but he loves every minute of it. Bradley ends up being the first to get his virgin ass fucked and Blake lies him down on his back and pushes his cock deep into that tight smooth ass. Bradley’s fresh ass can only take a pounding for so long and the time has come for Blake’s turn. Bradley takes aim and fires his cock deep into Blakes virgin ass making him squirm with delight and pain. He doesn’t want Bradley to slow down at all and he wants it hard and fast. What a glorious battle as these two soldiers go all out and Blake is the first one to blast his thick creamy load all over himself. Bradley loves what he sees and counters him with an even bigger load all over Blake’s cum soaked cock.

Watch as Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes at ActiveDuty

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Watch as Blake Effortley and Bradley Hayes at ActiveDuty

Jasper Taft says:

Thank you, I enjoyed it.

Sushi says:

Blake is especially hot. More of him bottoming for sure. Wow.

Silver64 says:

Blake reminds me of a young Johnny V. Not only in appearance, but I think he is actually more verbal than Johnny, and that’s not an easy feat. TBH, it was almost distracting, but perhaps I just wasn’t prepared for it having never seen him bottom before.

Now that I have, I NEED to see him bottom again and again. In a way, I hope they keep him at AD, instead of shipping him off to ND where they over direct everything.

My only quibble is that I would have loved to see him riding that dick..but I guess we’ll see that in time.

Bradley surprised me though. At first having a bit of trouble taking that dick, but within a few minutes he was loving it. Look forward to seeing more of him.

Overall, this scene is tied with the Jacen/Vander scene for the best of the weekend.

simp says:

I like how gungho Blake is about taking it; Bradley’s performance is quite commendable too. Pretty good job all around for newbies like them.

Scrapple says:

I like Bradley. Probably because something about him reminds me of Dante Martin when he was still Carson. But Blake needs to shut the fuck up if he’s going to do this. All stupid sex talk is not hot. He said “Go go” so many times I thought Belinda Carlisle was going to pop out of a coke mirror.

Clark Cent says:

Wow. I did not recognize Blake! He looks so hot in the first photo. It wasn’t until I searched his name that I realized it was the same guy that did the scene with Jesse Kovac. I’m glad the roasted carrot fake tan is gone and his hair looks better too. I have to say I prefer seeing him on the receiving end. In his first scene with Kovac he barely said anything and phoned it in. Here he actually seems to be feeling it. I hope we see more like this.

throwawayforget says:

Blake is sexy af, but virgin ass? Really?

gaycockluvr says:

Blake is so sexy. I am shocked that he’s giving up that ass so soon….more please. Bradley is cute too.

Gennaro says:

Blake’s body is sculpted to perfection. The number of times he said “I love this dick”, “Perfect” “Fuck” “Fuck me” and “Don’t you dare stop fucking me” tho. One of my favorite scenes this year definitely. We need more of Blake taking a D!

Jay says:

Not a bad scene but Blake is over selling it sometimes when it isn’t needed. Not sure if it’s the director or Blake’s initiative.

JJ says:

I need more Blake bottoming! He’s very vocal and I think I’m liking it. Please capture his face more next time!

Erudite says:

Whoever filmed this did a poor job. Too much of the filming was out of focus because the camera man was too close to the subjects and was constantly moving from a closeup to a different viewpoint which made the problems with focusing worse. Blakely’s vocal utterances were a bit over the top with him yelling out directions to Bradley. This could have been a much better scene with a better director, editor, and camera man who doesn’t have a tremor while filming.

trumn10 says:

Blake is hot, scene looks very good.

Jack says:

bradley is dryyyyyyy active duty is back to its boring spell

funsicles says:

Blake is a hottie and a half … a little too chiseled for my tastes, but yeah, I’d do him and repeatedly. For some reason or another, I prefer real guys with some hair, maybe even a little chub. I don’t have silk boxers, but if I did, I’d be able to wash them on his abs. Lol … I had boyfriend that was totally ripped like him, and I couldn’t even truly enjoy our sex, because I was also so insecure comparing our bodies in my mind..

Yes, porn Gods do exist, as Effortley so exemplifies effortlessly. Alas, he is the Ryan Reynolds that none of us will have. Give me Ryan Jordan any day.