Corbin Fisher: Kieran

Kieran at CorbinFisher

Kieran at CorbinFisher
Kieran at CorbinFisher

Kieran at CorbinFisher
Kieran at CorbinFisher

Kieran’s Solo at Corbin Fisher:

Kieran (formerly Liam Aries) mentions he does hot yoga in order to stay in shape. Of course, when you look like him all yoga is hot! (I’d been waiting to make that joke in this writeup the instant he mentioned hot yoga, so let me have that one!)

While we don’t get to watch Kieran get into a long, sweaty hot yoga session, we do get to see him work up a sweat in other ways! Stroking his cock, showing off and playing with his hole, then stroking out a load, Kieran left me eager to see him in more action after this! You can tell he’s a sexual, sensual guy, and I expect we’ll see more of him soon!

Watch Kieran at Corbin Fisher

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Watch Kieran at Corbin Fisher

Dkingz33 says:

Not sure if I like him yet he’s just average imo nothing good or bad he seem bored. He will be back next week fucking a fish. Sadly.

Jasper Taft says:

Today’s update is Kieran/Mason. Hopefully this means Kieran bypassed the fish.

Jasper Taft says:

He seems kinda hot, but I’m thinking they used too bright of lights for this shoot. You can see them literally reflecting off his head.

moondoggy says:

lol, I think a little pressed powder rather than dim lighting is called for.

moondoggy says:

Kieran, eh? I wish these sites cared more about the role of names in marketing these models. Imagine if there were multiple singers named Adele or Khalid. It’s uncreative and stupid.

Scrapple says:

The simple solution is to change the name slightly. Instead of a Khalid, you go for a (DJ) Khaled. Promotional disaster avoided.

moondoggy says:

I do not miss the days of trying to distinguish Aidan from Aiden, but yes, I would settle for that, especially if a pronunciation difference was implied.

Scrapple says:

Maybe that’s why Aidan became Tryp. He was tired of the comparison. Or the prostitution. Either or.

Scrapple says:

He reminds me of JD Phoenix, without the bigotry. Hopefully. That hole is already ready.

Neel Dutta says:

JD Phoenix was hot. Quite hot! I still do watch his scenes. Once in a blue moon. Bigotry, I am not aware of. I never, ever, follow or bother to follow these porn stars’ political or social beliefs or social media pages. There are far more interesting, and qualified people out there for that. I only care for their performances before the camera. Hope, I have not been not nasty with my comment:)

Scrapple says:

Nope, not nasty at all. The things I find out are usually things I stumble upon accidentally. I generally make it a point not to spend much time on the SM pages of porn models. You peel back the curtain sometimes and you realize why the curtain is there in the first place.

david david says:

That hole is more than ready. Did a little digging all thanks to someone here giving his former porn name, and he’s bottoming and eating cum for his life on another site.

meiamgay says:

Hopefully no acs scenes

jinger says:

Nice little ass

wdeee says:

If he had a fatter ass >>>

dman3379 says:

Hmm, I like him.

emercycrite says:

Needs a gangbang breeding ASAP.

david david says:

Seems like a fun guy to hang out with, but I’m not too sure I like him just yet. I guess we’ll see in the coming days. CF’s on a rush. 2 solos in one week? That’s new.

Kevin says:

Nice face, mediocre body.

Burkeman says:

He reminds me of Zeb.

Chelsea says:

Isn’t that Liam Aries

ArgleBjargle says:

Looks like it. Same ear, same mole on chest, same potato body, same belly button.
Same vapid look. Bad hair color job.

Ed Stoneback says:

Very attractive guy but less body hair than a 12 year old no thanks

sasuk388 says:

ok i like keiran and mason . but wtf. is with the three andy updates for the fuck scenes in a row, cf wtf. spread them out. or maybe that is the end with him . and i can see sawyer again . or brooks getting it. mason a new one. since kellan came back. lets bring back others from that era. scott. connor. dixon . trenton . ashton taylor tyler. james. etc.

Jasper Taft says:

I loved Trenton also. He has a successful career now, so I doubt he would return to porn. Connor had a good run from 2007-2015. Not sure what happened when he and Corbin Fisher split, but I read he was one of the highest paid models in the entire industry and I doubt it’s in the budget to re-hire him. Ashton is still around in other studios. He’s around 30 now and in more of a daddy role.

sasuk388 says:

I want grant and daniel too. And two most recent guys from the best buds 2018

sasuk388 says:

A different site for connor
Timtales. Lucas. Even sc would be hot. I just love some connor top and bottom

Jasper Taft says:

Connor is attractive so he wouldn’t fit in on TimTales. Did you know he was in a KFC commercial recently?

sasuk388 says:

No and caleb king is fucking hot on timtales

Northboy691 says:

Yummy looking.
Do not fail me, Corbin Fisher.

Chelsea says:

Oh yeah it’s him they have the same tattoo at the back

Jasper Taft says:

btw, thank you for all the upvotes. Would you believe some kind souls (including one from the Los Angeles area and one from Scotland) help me get most of those lost Logan scenes? I only need 2 now. Plus Landon creampies Blake.

Kevin says:

Josh and Price and they had a regular video out not that long ago.

Jasper Taft says:

I just wanted to make sure you got credit. I know we didn’t get off to the greatest start — I didn’t understand your sense of humor back then, but I get it now.

Yesterday was amazing. 3 people stepped forward and helped me knock out about half my want list, including my Holy Grail vid I had been looking for 10 years. It had only been on a now-defunct website for a few weeks or months and I thought I’d never see it. Weirdest thing was he was a lurker who had been registered to the forum for 5 years but never posted. They uploaded them to various sites where I was able to download them.

Landon fucks Blake is proving to be a bitch to find. Mainly because SC also had a scene where a Landon fucks a Blake and most of my search results return with that. That’s the only Blake scene I have left to find.

Jasper Taft says:

What is the secret menu? Is it like CFSelect where you have to pay extra even if you’re a member?

meiamgay says:

How do you know that?!

meiamgay says:

I know but they did this with Zane (blond) back then, he even said on twitter that it was his first time with a girl and it wasn’t his thing!

meiamgay says:

Sadly, they did more than making out but yea that dildo was more of a crutch.