Spunk Worthy: Giacomo (Busts A Nut)

Giacomo (Busts A Nut) at SpunkWorthy.com

Giacomo at SpunkWorthy.com
Giacomo at SpunkWorthy.com

Giacomo’s Solo at SpunkWorthy:

I was at a BBQ recently where Giacomo (probably for obvious reasons) caught my eye. We got to chatting and it eventually came up that I shoot porn. His eyes widened and he replied with a surprised-sounding, “No shit?”

His astonished reaction made more sense when he explained that he’d been told a few times that he should look into it. Not knowing where to turn to get started, I told him that apparently all he needed to do was show up at the right party!

Giacomo was in the military here in San Diego, and when he got out, decided to stick around town. He’s 27 y/o now, going to college, soaking up the sun and chasing girls. He grew up in a small town playing football and wrestling. When I asked what people first notice about him he said it was his eyes.

“And I like to make people laugh,” he added. “People like to talk with me. I’m a pretty easy person to talk to.”

I would agree wholeheartedly, but was a little surprised to hear that they didn’t notice his body. And once his clothes came off, his dick! It’s a hefty one even soft. And grew to a thick 7 1/2 inches once he got to stroking.

Giacomo was a natural in front of the cameras and showed off with a purpose! He’d saved up for a couple days before the shoot, so he must have been a little extra horny. When he bent over to show off his hairy ass, I nearly dropped the camera.

After he got the thumbs-up to bring it home, Giacomo cupped a hand around his balls and got himself ramped up. Under heavy breathing and loud moans, he splattered his abs with what looked like a well-earned load of cum.

Watch Giacomo at Spunk Worthy

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Watch Giacomo at Spunk Worthy

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throwawayforget says:

Wow he’s cute. I have a feeling we’ll be seeing him again, hopefully bottoming. Why does this look like an SC scene? The lighting, the set…

John Doe says:

Looks good.

No_No_No_Yes says:

Anywhere else. Isn’t this the site that is releasing old scenes? If not – I’ll wait till he lands at an actual porn site.

DaveAtom says:

Apparently he is already in San Diego, SC should cast him right now! He is GORGEOUS! Look at that face, that body, that dick!

Neel Dutta says:

Uber Hot!!👍 Fucking perfect, as a pornstar. We. Want. Him. Back. ASAP.

Stevienowonder says:

He has a peasant behaviour but at least he is not feminine and his looks are very decent. So a cautious thumbs up from me.

Kanaka says:

I’ll bet he’s just thrilled with your cautious approval. 😑

Stevienowonder says:

He may be illiterate . Do you like him though ?

George says:

Please, leave your internalized homophobia at the door. Thank you!

Stevienowonder says:

So , if I like masculine men I am a homophobe ?? If you suck human blood at nights that makes you a vampire killer too , I guess ? You have some brain in your skull , dear ?

George says:

Saying you like masculine men is not the same thing as saying “at least he is not feminine”, as if being feminine is negative. Let’s not pretend that this type of attitude isn’t an epidemic in the gay community.

Also, your attempt at what I’m assuming is trying to pass for sarcasm, is as nonsensical as that vampire killer analogy. Better luck next time.

Stevienowonder says:

Of course it is. A horse should not behave like a cow. Also , I can be sarcastic or not , it has little to do with my taste for real men , behaving like men. That is my point and if I am better lucky next time Waybig will spare us from those F beings for at least one day …

George says:

Careful with that ‘real men’ rhetoric cause it can, and will, turn around on you real quick. There are many people who don’t consider you a ‘real man’ because of your ‘taste for real men’. So, kindly, take your toxic, masc4masc bullshit elsewhere and maybe see a therapist. I genuinely hope you feel better about yourself one day and not feel the need to insult others for who they are.

Stevienowonder says:

I feel excellent , thank you. A horse behaving like a cow should see some behaviour modification , not a horse behaving like a stallion. It is very straightforward.

George says:

Conversion therapy for LGBT people follows the exact same logic that you’re using as an argument here. It’s literally the “Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve” rhetoric with minor adjustments to suit your internalized prejudices. Essentially, by dehumanizing and bashing feminine gay men, so you can feel some sort of superiority, you’re essentially dehumanizing and bashing yourself. Your self-hate is so obvious, it’s truly sad and I’m not even saying that to patronize you. It’s literally what’s happening here and I hope you can heal from this bs one day. Have a good day.

Stevienowonder says:

As I said , I like men , I am gay. 100%. I love myself , you are very wrong about that. Feminine men can learn (in most cases , if their hormons are not fucked up so much that they even physically resemble women ) how to walk and move , not to bring shame on the gay community and be a subject of mockery.

simp says:

He could pass off as a model from those European sites like William Higgins (should he be uncut and tat-free) given his facial features and stature. Definitely a gorgeous guy, though appearing on this site does not bode well for further appearances doing more exciting stuff.

ArgleBjargle says:

Very nice. But he looks familiar…

Jacob says:

holy fuck he could hit me with his car and i would say thank you

Himura_Kenshin says:

LMAO that was hilarious!

pilot101 says:

oh wow. But he should have called SC or Nextdoor instead.

Scrapple says:

I need questions:

1. Where the fuck did they find him?
2. Why the fuck did this studio have to find him?
3. !!!!!!!!!!!?
4. Why does he look so familiar?

JK3 says:

4. Did you watch the Batchelorette? He looks just like Luke C. The angry, short hot one.

Scrapple says:

He does. And now you’ve ruined him for me. Almost.

I kept thinking he had a slight resemblance to Cash from Love Island.

david david says:

Oh my goodness, he’s hot! Why he had to be in this site? He should be in a much better site filming with other hot guys.

joback says:

Damn. He has to be THE hottest stud in 2019. I don’t know how this studio scored this guy. This guy is like early-SC and early-CF quality. Bravo!

George says:

I was sold when I saw him from the front but he really won me over with that hairy ass. Hot as hell. Hope a good studio like CB or GISP steals him away. I’m going to need to see those beautiful furry peaches get pounded good and deep.

Also, I wouldn’t mind seeing his chest/stomach hair and pubes grow out. The trimmed look is hot but I can only imagine what that body looks like when the fur is given free reign, cause the ass is FIRE!

JK3 says:

Welp. RIP. An extremely hot model has gone to the gay porn graveyard. This bitch keeps his rolodex of pornstars locked in a goblin vault. He may come back for a handjob and leave forever. Ashes to ashes, dust to these shitty sites.

Stevienowonder says:

As if English were not your mother tongue. I will not play this “love , love not , yes you did , no I didn’t” game. I can present you my personality , we can agree or not on matters , you can like it or not but I will not engage myself with exposing endless , nowhere leading arguments. And I will certainly not use that idle , idiotic PC way of speech that turns freedom of speech into verbal zombies.

Stevienowonder says:

You are endlessly repeating yourself and getting increasingly boring because you have no sense or talent to judge the weight or meaning of my words. No humor , no sense for irony , no realistic analytic capabilities etc. you possess. Some of the commentators do have it all and I have a nice relationship with them. You have only PC hysteria , and hysteria is mostly a woman’s way of showing frustration.

Stevienowonder says:

Thank you for your feedback. Have a nice weekend.

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