Freshmen: Fabien Jacq (Interview & Solo)

Fabien Jacq (Interview & Solo)  at

Fabien Jacq (Interview & Solo)  at
Fabien Jacq (Interview & Solo)  at

Fabien Jacq Interview & Solo at

We are having a twinky breakfast at Lake Balaton this morning with the adorable Fabien Jacq as our companion and interview subject. This twink is just as mouth-watering and delicious as the original twinkie, with no calories. While Sven prepares for the usual morning rush-hour, Kevin attempts to find out what makes Fabien tick. Though Kevin fails to dig out any deep secrets, we do get a heap of interesting trivia to add to our Fabien knowledge. This interview followed by an enjoyable JO makes for a satisfying breakfast.

Watch Fabien Jacq at Freshmen

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Watch Fabien Jacq at Freshmen

No_No_No_Yes says:

I like him.. he’s got spunk.

arnecoen says:

he’s cute but nothing ground breaking.
On the other hand, belami has teased us with 2 new fresh faces (where do they find those straight gay for pay guys ?????) who are absolutely out of this world : ASHTON MONTANA and TOM HOUSTON (although they have US names they are from czech republic)

here are their pictures like…. OH MY GOD : their faces !!!! they could be real models for fashion

O0MFG i cannot wait !

arnecoen says:

he’s cute but nothing ground breaking.
On the other hand, belami has teased us with 2 new fresh faces (where do they find those straight gay for pay guys ?????) who are absolutely out of this world : ASHTON MONTANA and TOM HOUSTON (although they have US names they are from czech republic)

here are their pictures like…. OH MY GOD : their faces !!!! they could be real models for fashion

O0MFG i cannot wait !

jinger says:

I was just thinking of Fabien, hopefully there’s more to come

jinger says:

I was just thinking of Fabien, hopefully there’s more to come

No_No_No_Yes says:

I like him.. he’s got spunk.

maenner says:

“…He’s got spunk” …in his ass hopefully