Fun-Size Boys: Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock in ‘Recruiter’s Office-Evaluation’

Recruiter's Office-Evaluation: Chapter One (Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock) at FunSizeBoys

Recruiter's Office-Evaluation: Chapter One (Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock) at FunSizeBoys
Recruiter's Office-Evaluation: Chapter One (Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock) at FunSizeBoys

Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock in ‘Recruiter’s Office-Evaluation’ at Fun-SizeBoys:

Austin Lock is a growing boy and looking forward to his future. Naturally, he weighs his many different options… A new job, college, even maybe even military service. When he meets Brian Adams, a recruiter who visited his school, he’s all the more intrigued!

Brian Adams brought him into his office, preparing the usual paperwork that comes from a new potential recruit. Stripping Austin Lock down, Brian took his measuring tape out and began writing down his various stats. Austin tries to play it cool, but seeing the rise in the man’s uniform pants makes his mouth water!

Austin Lock follows the military man’s orders, stepping off the stool when asked, even pulling down Brian’s pants. His eyes widen when he sees his massive cock pop out of his pants, bigger and thicker than he could have imagined.

Brian Adams orders him to stroke it, getting his member fuller and harder before Austin Lock takes it into his mouth. The short boy can barely open his mouth wide enough to take it all, gagging on it as it stretches out his tiny throat!

Watch as Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock at FunSizeBoys

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Watch as Brian Adams Fucks Austin Lock at FunSizeBoys

andrew says:

I hope Austin is making big bucks and putting a lot of it away to finance his future. He is a rarity, a guy of legal age that looks like an adolescent. He apparently fulfills the fantasies of those who get off watching men in positions of authority fuck minors. IMO it’s not the kind of fantasies that gay porn should be encouraging. Too many people in the general population already think that gay men want to have sex with minors.

Nick Minaj says:

I’m convinced this Austin dude gets work in porn solely because he appeals to the pedos that fantasize about underage boys. That said, this Brian is sexy. Hope to see more of him outside of this site.

joback says:

tbh Austin is getting a little boring. Is there no other twinks available …?

DaveAtom says:

Brian is brand new in porn? He is super hot.

hotsweetspot says:

Not new. Not hot. He tried at NDS. They did one scene with him.

arnecoen says:

TIRED OF THOSE pedophile-theme porn from this to mormon boys etc

arnecoen says:

TIRED OF THOSE pedophile-theme porn from this to mormon boys etc

Erudite says:

Austin Lock needs to find himself a real recruiter. How many real recruiters wear a Marine shirt with a pair of civilian shorts?

pronaddict says:

who is this brian adams

pronaddict says:

who is this brian adams

joback says:

tbh Austin is getting a little boring. Is there no other twinks available …?

DaveAtom says:

Brian is brand new in porn? He is super hot.

hotsweetspot says:

Not new. Not hot. He tried at NDS. They did one scene with him.

Nick Minaj says:

I’m convinced this Austin dude gets work in porn solely because he appeals to the pedos that fantasize about underage boys. That said, this Brian is sexy. Hope to see more of him outside of this site.

Anders says:

I get your point but respectfully disagree. I’m 6’6″ and much prefer being with very short guys. It’s more to do with enjoying being dominant and nothing to do with ‘underage boys’. That’s why Fun-Size is one of my favourite sites and nothing to do with a paedo nature.

But I agree this Brian dude is sexy af 👍🏼

Tempest says:

There’s nothing dominant about this scene and this site. The mere fact that there was a scene where Austin wore a kids pajama while hugging a stuffed animal pretty much gave away the true intention of this site and how Legrand Wolf sees and wants to portray gay sex.

moondoggy says:

I was trying to tag you on the post below, but it went haywire as I was trying to tag everyone in the thread.

McM. says:

The site owner has ALWAYS presented Austin as underage. Everything from settings, clothes, props, and dialogue codes him as a boy. I fail to see the reasoning why people pretend the themes are anything but that. I figured the scene where Austin Lock was costumed as a kitty cat for Halloween and escorted door to door by his “dad” drove home the point he was a child.

Anders says:

Ah, maybe I’ve misinterpreted this site then…

moondoggy says:

@disqus_SVnM9Co3ue:disqus @disqus_O0ZucPVypp:disqus @disqus_1QpUN3vtvA:disqus

Hm, I wanted to “@” everyone in the thread, but it won’t let me add a fourth.

These arguments are not mutually exclusive. No question some scenes have features that strongly evoke an underage fantasy. Exhibit A is the scene that in my view basically launched this site even though the FSB spinoff site technically came later — Doctor’s Office. I don’t know of any 18 yo men whose fathers sit in on their routine physicals.

But that doesn’t mean that’s the only way to interpret every scene that Austin is in. I think he’s very sexy. I’m usually more into the men he’s with because my type is Bishop Angus and company, the daddies not the boys.

I know this is a more controversial view, but I don’t have a problem with the underage fantasy as long as it’s just a fantasy. Austin is presumably a consenting adult, and role play is not a crime.

Nick Minaj says:

Am I to understand that you just stated that you see no problem with pedophilia type narrative and imagery as long as it’s fantasy…? So, you’re telling me if you had an adolescence son, nephew etc.and found out a grown man has pictures of your underage son or nephew and has been masturbating to them, you would have no problem with that because it’s fantasy??

It also appears you completely ignored the point I made regarding how this fantasy can lead to reality. Let’s be clear, if you are a grown man who fantasizes about sex with adolescent boys, you ARE a pedophile, period. One is not exempt simply because they only fantasize and don’t or have not yet acted. I’m not understanding your logic. I never said role play was a crime. However, pedophilia is a disgusting traumatic crime against minors, which makes this type of role play problematic. Your view is beyond “controversial,” it’s troubling and rather problematic…

moondoggy says:

Am I to understand that you just stated that you see no problem with pedophilia type narrative and imagery as long as it’s fantasy…? So, you’re telling me if you had an adolescence son, nephew etc.and found out a grown man has pictures of your underage son

Those are two completely different things. If a consenting couple has sex with handcuffs, should the top be arrested for rape?

No, possession of child pornography is a crime. But I don’t know what you mean by people not being “exempt” if they haven’t acted on a thought. If you want to police people’s thoughts, then continue trying to do that. By the very logic of my own argument, I can’t stop you because that in itself is a thought you’re entitled to have.

Nick Minaj says:

What are you talking about? You stated that you have no problem with underage fantasy as long as it’s just fantasy. I provided you with a scenario of a grown man fantasizing about underage boys and asked if you would be okay with it. Your handcuff comparison is just a ridiculous as your defense of underage sex fantasizing. And on that note, I said what I said. I’m not going to go back and forth with you. Goodnight and goodbye.

Tempest says:

Far too many people are using the “fantasy” excuse to justify the kind of porn that’s been insulting and highlighting gay sex under a negative light. For fuck’s sake, this is also the same owner that launched a site with the premise of sex trafficking. Why are we trying so hard to rationalize harmful and disrespectful messages about gay people and the way the have sex?

moondoggy says:

Why are we trying so hard to rationalize harmful and disrespectful messages about gay people and the way the have sex?

Very simple, because the principle of free speech is more important than whether you or I am offended by our representation in the media. This offends you. MEN genuinely offends me. I think they make gay sex into a minstrel show. I’m also watching their takeover of this blog with growing horror. Their ads are now nested between every single update, and in almost every frame, we are made to look like clowns. But I separate things that offend me from things that should be outlawed, and to call a porn consumer a pedo is to imply that they are committing a crime.

I’m not saying it should be celebrated. And you should absolutely speak out against it if it offends you. People who are persuaded by that should vote against it with their feet. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference, but it makes some, as evidenced by the disappearance of that scene with the rebel flag tattoo.

Nick Minaj says:

Jasper, Tempest, and McM said it all. I know what my eyes see. I very much comprehend what this site is signaling with kids pajamas, kids underwear, stuffed animals etc. The settings are also a blatant giveaway, especially when Wolf and the guy who always portrays Austin’s dad are involved. There is a disturbing scene on one of the versions of these sites where the guy who portrays Austin’s dad takes him to the doctor (Wolf). It’s very clear that Austin is being portray as an underage boy being taking to the doctor/pediatrician, where his pedo dad let’s the pedo pediatrician have his way with Austin.

But let’s also talk about the relationship portrayal between Austin and his dad, which if I’m not mistaken, he’s always portrayed as his biological father, not step-father. So, their relationship is both pedophilia and incest driven. It appears to me sites like these are trying to push this disturbing and disgusting indirect narrative that sex with underage boys is not always a situation of molestation/rape because there will be boys like Austin who will be okay with and into the sex. This type of narrative and imagery is dangerous and can have real life impact. A pedophile likes to see a narrative and imagery like this because it provides them encouragement to go out and commit acts of sexual abuse.

This type of content simply shouldn’t exit in gay porn. Not to mention, it feeds into the false narrative out there that gay men are sexual predators who prey on young boys.

hotsweetspot says:

Sorry, I disagree about Brian Adams. He’s a G4P phony who is wooden and disinterested in what he is doing. I saw his *one* scene at NDS. He’s just as detached there. It’s obvious to me that’s he’s repulsed by gay men. I speculate that all is wants is our pink dollars.

Jasper Taft says:

Size has nothing to do with domination. A true domination scene will have a willing master and a willing sub, both of which can be of various sizes. Most of the guy-guy domination scenes I have seen have involved the subs being guys that were muscular, tall and fit. And to that extent, although I never watch straight porn, I know there’s a lot of it out there where the women control the men.

Erudite says:

Austin Lock needs to find himself a real recruiter. How many real recruiters wear a Marine shirt with a pair of civilian shorts?

Tempest says:

There’s nothing dominant about this scene and this site. The mere fact that there was a scene where Austin wore a kids pajama while hugging a stuffed animal pretty much gave away the true intention of this site and how Legrand Wolf sees and wants to portray gay sex.

Jasper Taft says:

Size has nothing to do with domination. A true domination scene will have a willing master and a willing sub, both of which can be of various sizes. Most of the guy-guy domination scenes I have seen have involved the subs being guys that were muscular, tall and fit. And to that extent, although I never watch straight porn, I know there’s a lot of it out there where the women control the men.

McM. says:

The site owner has ALWAYS presented Austin as underage. Everything from settings, clothes, props, and dialogue codes him as a boy. I fail to see the reasoning why people pretend the themes are anything but that. I figured the scene where Austin Lock was costumed as a kitty cat for Halloween and escorted door to door by his “dad” drove home the point he was a child.

Nick Minaj says:

Jasper, Tempest, and McM said it all. I know what my eyes see. I very much comprehend what this site is signaling with kids pajamas, kids underwear, stuffed animals etc. The settings are also a blatant giveaway, especially when Wolf and the guy who always portrays Austin’s dad are involved. There is a disturbing scene on one of the versions of these sites where the guy who portrays Austin’s dad takes him to the doctor (Wolf). It’s very clear that Austin is being portray as an underage boy being taking to the doctor/pediatrician, where his pedo dad let’s the pedo pediatrician have his way with Austin.

But let’s also talk about the relationship portrayal between Austin and his dad, which if I’m not mistaken, he’s always portrayed as his biological father, not step-father. So, their relationship is both pedophilia and incest driven. It appears to me sites like these are trying to push this disturbing and disgusting indirect narrative that sex with underage boys is not always a situation of molestation/rape because there will be boys like Austin who will be okay with and into the sex. This type of narrative and imagery is dangerous and can have real life impact. A pedophile likes to see a narrative and imagery like this because it provides them encouragement to go out and commit acts of sexual abuse.

This type of content simply shouldn’t exit in gay porn. Not to mention, it feeds into the false narrative out there that gay men are sexual predators who prey on young boys.

hotsweetspot says:

Sorry, I disagree about Brian Adams. He’s a G4P phony who is wooden and disinterested in what he is doing. I saw his *one* scene at NDS. He’s just as detached there. It’s obvious to me that’s he’s repulsed by gay men. I speculate that all is wants is our pink dollars.

moondoggy says:

@disqus_SVnM9Co3ue:disqus @disqus_O0ZucPVypp:disqus @disqus_1QpUN3vtvA:disqus

Hm, I wanted to “@” everyone in the thread, but it won’t let me add a fourth.

These arguments are not mutually exclusive. No question some scenes have features that strongly evoke an underage fantasy. Exhibit A is the scene that in my view basically launched this site even though the FSB spinoff site technically came later — Doctor’s Office. I don’t know of any 18 yo men whose fathers sit in on their routine physicals.

But that doesn’t mean that’s the only way to interpret every scene that Austin is in. I think he’s very sexy. I’m usually more into the men he’s with because my type is Bishop Angus and company, the daddies not the boys.

I know this is a more controversial view, but I don’t have a problem with the underage fantasy as long as it’s just a fantasy. Austin is presumably a consenting adult, and role play is not a crime.

moondoggy says:

I was trying to tag you on the post below, but it went haywire as I was trying to tag everyone in the thread.

Tempest says:

Far too many people are using the “fantasy” excuse to justify the kind of porn that’s been insulting and highlighting gay sex under a negative light. For fuck’s sake, this is also the same owner that launched a site with the premise of sex trafficking. Why are we trying so hard to rationalize harmful and disrespectful messages about gay people and the way the have sex?

Nick Minaj says:

Am I to understand that you just stated that you see no problem with pedophilia type narrative and imagery as long as it’s fantasy…? So, you’re telling me if you had an adolescence son, nephew etc.and found out a grown man has pictures of your underage son or nephew and has been masturbating to them, you would have no problem with that because it’s fantasy??

It also appears you completely ignored the point I made regarding how this fantasy can lead to reality. Let’s be clear, if you are a grown man who fantasizes about sex with adolescent boys, you ARE a pedophile, period. One is not exempt simply because they only fantasize and don’t or have not yet acted. I’m not understanding your logic. I never said role play was a crime. However, pedophilia is a disgusting traumatic crime against minors, which makes this type of role play problematic. Your view is beyond “controversial,” it’s troubling and rather problematic…

moondoggy says:

Why are we trying so hard to rationalize harmful and disrespectful messages about gay people and the way the have sex?

Very simple, because the principle of free speech is more important than whether you or I am offended by our representation in the media. This offends you. MEN genuinely offends me. I think they make gay sex into a minstrel show. I’m also watching their takeover of this blog with growing horror. Their ads are now nested between every single update, and in almost every frame, we are made to look like clowns. But I separate things that offend me from things that should be outlawed, and to call a porn consumer a pedo is to imply that they are committing a crime.

I’m not saying it should be celebrated. And you should absolutely speak out against it if it offends you. People who are persuaded by that should vote against it with their feet. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of difference, but it makes some, as evidenced by the disappearance of that scene with the rebel flag tattoo.

moondoggy says:

Am I to understand that you just stated that you see no problem with pedophilia type narrative and imagery as long as it’s fantasy…? So, you’re telling me if you had an adolescence son, nephew etc.and found out a grown man has pictures of your underage son

Those are two completely different things. If a consenting couple has sex with handcuffs, should the top be arrested for rape?

No, possession of child pornography is a crime. But I don’t know what you mean by people not being “exempt” if they haven’t acted on a thought. If you want to police people’s thoughts, then continue trying to do that. By the very logic of my own argument, I can’t stop you because that in itself is a thought you’re entitled to have.

Nick Minaj says:

What are you talking about? You stated that you have no problem with underage fantasy as long as it’s just fantasy. I provided you with a scenario of a grown man fantasizing about underage boys and asked if you would be okay with it. Your handcuff comparison is just a ridiculous as your defense of underage sex fantasizing. And on that note, I said what I said. I’m not going to go back and forth with you. Goodnight and goodbye.

moondoggy says:

Nor will I. I’m not trying to antagonize you. You are trying to stand up for victims. I respect that and wish you no harm.

Tempest says:

Free speech doesn’t equal “free speech without any kind of consequence”. Some of these scenarios/sites are driven by Google search results and real life situations, I mean, there’s a whole site dedicated to a global epidemic like human sex trafficking, and we are supposed to rationalize and fantasize about forced slavery? And for the record, MEN does not have any kind of interest in showcasing how genuine gay sex is, considering the whole array of gross premises and scenarios they insist on using, they only care about selling a product and making a profit out of it.

moondoggy says:


Free speech doesn’t equal “free speech without any kind of consequence”. Some of these scenarios/sites are driven by Google search results and real life situations, I mean, there’s a whole site dedicated to a global epidemic like human sex trafficking, and we are supposed to rationalize and fantasize

There are equations in your response with which I disagree. For me, this is about Anders’s ability to watch this without guilt, which I see as his right. And yes, free speech should have consequences. The consequence of porn that offends you is your not supporting it, even speaking out against it. But every time someone in this thread challenges my point, they do so by equating porn with real life violence, and when the performers are adults playing a role, it’s a false equivalency. If the implication is that this free speech has had the consequence of real-life sexual violence and human trafficking, I would have to see actual evidence of that. Otherwise, this is just one more in a centuries-long history of people wanting to silence content that they feel threatened by. This site is hardly a Nabokov novel, but that’s a personal judgment. Let’s also keep in mind that some social activists see ALL porn as sex trafficking. And I’m not sure they’re wrong.

This is purely an intellectual discussion for me, and it’s clearly an emotional trigger for others. I hope we can have this discussion and still shake hands at the end of it.

Jasper Taft says:

I can’t speak for others, but I think the issue people are having here is how the webmaster of “Fun Size Boys” (that was painful to type) is marketing his brand. More to the point, the issue is that it’s completely unnecessary. I would imagine that pedophiles can fantasize about (what it is they fantasize about) without needing the write-ups that come with the scene. And yet, the webmaster feels obligated to connect the dots when they didn’t need to be connected.

Take this scene, for example, where Austin is referred to as a “growing boy”. Had he just simply used “boy” that would probably be innocuous since adult men are referred to as boys all the time (there’s even the term “boyfriend”). Instead, he goes a step further and refers to Austin as “growing boy”. Since people stop growing when they enter adulthood, the suggestion here is clearly that Austin is a child, as in: underage.

I don’t have an actual problem with the scene itself considering it apparently involves two consenting adults. The issue is the write-ups are suggesting pedophilia — even though that’s not what’s occurring here.

That’s as best as I can explain it.

Tempest says:

But every time someone in this thread challenges my point, they do so by
equating porn with real life violence, and when the performers are
adults playing a role, it’s a false equivalency. If the implication is
that this free speech has had the consequence of real-life sexual
violence and human trafficking, I would have to see actual evidence of

moondoggy says:

Omg, seriously?lol! I’m not talking about anecdotal evidence. I’m talking about studies that demonstrate a causal link. John Hinckley Jr. is not evidence that the movie Taxi Driver should be banned.

moondoggy says:

I understand the subtext of the site. I’m only objecting to the “offensive = ban-worthy” principle. I hesitate to call porn art, but it is an extension of someone’s imagination. I think it’s philosophically authoritarian to tell someone that they can’t think a forbidden thought. But this is a difficult discussion to have in this forum.

Jasper Taft says:

Oh, I absolutely believe porn qualifies as art. No question about it.

Tempest says:

No. You wanted an evidence (without saying the kind) of porn scenarios based on real life situations and I gave you one, now you’re just flipping the coin because my proof doesn’t fit your narrative.

And let’s be clear, mainstream movies and porn are two different things. While both cases require actors to play a role, the interpretation is different, one is supposed to bring sexual pleasure and arouse those that watch it, the other isn’t.

If you want to watch these scenes, that’s fine, you do you, I’mma continue calling out porn that harms the image of gay men.

moondoggy says:

I really thought you were joking with the article but if you’re serious and are going to call me out for hypocrisy, does that really qualify to you as sexual violence and/or human trafficking? A man pretends to be a woman, and the men he had sex with are now pissed? Why is that case even going to trial?

As for mainstream movies and porn being two different things, that is your personal judgment, and it sounds like we agree that Legrand Wolf and I are entitled to our personal judgments, which was my point all along.