MEN Bareback Series: Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker in ‘The Watcher, Part 3’

The Watcher, Part Three (Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker) at

The Watcher, Part Three (Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker) at
The Watcher, Part Three (Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker) at
The Watcher, Part Three (Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker) at

Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker in ‘The Watcher, Part 3’ at

After a very hard day, Kaleb Stryker needs a backrub, and his roommate Zane Williams is just the guy for the job. Zane tries to act like he’s too straight to touch another dude’s back, but Kaleb knows Zane’s been watching him fuck and loving it, so he tells Zane to keep going lower. Zane gets so turned on with his hands on Kaleb’s muscular ass, he just has to fuck it before feeding Kaleb his cock. Kaleb gets to fulfill his fantasy of finally getting pounded by his roomie on the kitchen counter, then sucks out Zane’s cum before he jacks himself off.

Watch as Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker at

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Watch as Zane Williams Fucks Kaleb Stryker at

Peter Pan Fly's says:

I might actually have to check this out.

Capello says:

MEN is the perfect studio for a model like Zane. He can fuck a guy and barely touches him. That’s not my cup of tea.

Enrico says:

Reminds me of those guys who did the same from some studios. Ew

Scrapple says:

I expected this finale to be as big of a joke as the first two entries. Turned out to be a bigger joke. Fake fucking and Zane once again struggling to maintain an erection. The guy has been in the biz all this time, and forget sucking a dick or actually eating an ass. He can’t even give another guy a good massage. He’s still here because why?

elyp says:

Good looks?

Scrapple says:

Meh. His skin has issues.

Tempest says:

We hate ourselves?

Scrapple says:

Some of us.

Enrico says:

Because porn studios are still here and have no idea anymore besides keep pumping these kinda scenes?

George says:

Kaleb’s ass always looks amazing. Even better with a dick in it.

Ed Stoneback says:

Caleb looks pretty as usual Zane may be a dud performer but love his muscular hairy body legs are great

Enrico says:

If anyone ever thinks Zane’s scenes were good or watchable, I’d say you’re insane or delusional. LMAO. He looks alright but damn baby boohoo, him n those
Kinda performers made me asleep longer than Snow White’s sleep. Meh performance, boring as hell, thanks, I hate it.

JJ says:

For all any of us know, Zane could be exercising his curiosity. Using these as a trial run. Maybe he’ll return & be better. Keep an open mind.

Scrapple says:

Who said that and what year did they say that in?

Scrapple says:

As I thought. Years ago, when it was actually true.

I think most of that promotion is sarcastic.

Enrico says:

Me too. N comparing it to Harper? Harper is high beyond his league. N yes those his so-called performances and the fraternity scenes, kinda made me threw up in my mouth.

Scrapple says:

His interaction with Elye was the one time I’ve seen him have chemistry with someone. Of any gender.