GayHoopla Newbies Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck

Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck at GayHoopla

Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck at GayHoopla
Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck at GayHoopla

Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck at GayHoopla:

Hottest GayHoopla flip-fuck to end the year! Newbies Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine.

Watch as Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck at GayHoopla

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Watch as Jaxon Valor and Robbie Valentine Flip-Fuck at GayHoopla

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bob80 says:

Sexy masculine guys. And both get fucked. I dig.

Scrapple says:

Even the non-hetero models overact. Not surprised. I blame Too Hard.

Also, I’m gonna need a tat check, cuz Robbie’s arm tat is giving me Nazi Superman feels. And who gets a Poseidon and a Zeus tat? These hoes ain’t loyal.

D Will says:

happy holidays! if you are referring to the bird on his chest, i think (and in no way am i defending it if it comes out as something else) is a bird meant to look tribal or native.

Scrapple says:

And happy holidays to you.

I was talking about the insignia on his arm.

D Will says:

Gotcha, yeah someone smarter than i will have to confirm the meaning of that symbol. I sort of like the guy so im hoping it isn’t w.s. or nazi related.

Scrapple says:

He’s voluntarily at Gay Hoopla, so I’m already inclined to side-eye him.

D Will says:

very true, but maybe he will see the light like the others that have escaped. definitely makes me give the side-eye to the models that stayed like Stay-Puft. I dunno maybe the homophobic bullshit gives the guys who actually enjoy man-on-man sex cover, thinking of James Manziel.

Scrapple says:

I thought James wised up and skipped out ages ago. Collin is a mess and is staying where he feels comfortable.

D Will says:

I think he has as well (which makes me sad), but I was trying to explain his continued coming back. It was clearly he enjoyed the man-sex more so then just about anyone on the site. If he didn’t, he should get into acting because you could learn an Oscar or at the least a Golden Globe.

Box says:

That’s the “unversed” symbol from the video game Kingdom Hearts. Don’t worry, he’s no nazi. He’s just a goddamn nerd.

Scrapple says:

Hmmm. I can do nerds. And vidogame nerds.

trumn10 says:

Continued decline in the attractiveness of the guys. All GH does right is get hot guys, but fail here. The tattoos only make it worse.

joeguy45 says:

on the only thing thats in decline here is your eyesight buddy.. i agree about the tattoos but these guys acute.

trumn10 says:

That’s why you may subscribe, and I don’t anymore. (I only did for 6 months, guys were hot, production quality laughable.) To my eyes, yes, the newer guys are not as hot as earlier.

joeguy45 says:

The models are super cute and this is actually a great flip flop.. amazing chemistry.

TomCNR says:

Robbie has a very weird face. Like near cro magnon features… And they say it’s their hottest flip fuck? 🤮

thonglover says:

Both guys are hot and I love to see versatile guys. Jaxon in particular is handsome and kind of reminds me of Mac from Always Sunny. Hope to see much more of him.

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