Yes Father: Father James Keresford Fucks Kendrick Thomas in ‘Confession’

Confession (Father James Keresford Fucks Kendrick Thomas) at

Confession (Father James Keresford Fucks Kendrick Thomas) at
Confession (Father James Keresford Fucks Kendrick Thomas) at

Father James Keresford, Kendrick Thomas in ‘Confession’ at YesFather:

Father James Keresford uses his years of experience to conclude that the only way to dispel Kendrick Thomas’s sexual urges is to indulge them completely. He barebacks the boy slowly and passionately on the couch, filling him with orgasmic pleasure.

Watch as Father James Keresford Fucks Kendrick Thomas at YesFather

Watch as Father James Keresford Fucks Kendrick Thomas at YesFather

Aszpleazr says:

Why all the religious themed sites? Is it to show that its priests/ministers can fuck legal age guys?