Bel Ami Online: Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich [Models of the Week]

Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich [Models of the Week] at

Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich [Models of the Week] at
Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich [Models of the Week] at
Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich [Models of the Week] at

Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich [Models of the Week] at BelAmiOnline:

If there was ever a quintessential jock couple you would have to look no further than Brian Jovovich and Zac DeHaan. They are with us today as part of our Sex Safari series and being photographed by Marty Stevens.

Marty started out mainly as a still photographer before moving on to become our lead director mor many years, but on occasion he still like to pick up his camera and see if he still has it. Judging by the results here, taking pictures must be a bit like riding a bike, once you learn how, you never forget. It certainly doesn’t hurt when your models are as sexy as these 2!

Watch Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich at BelAmiOnline

Watch Zac DeHaan & Brian Jovovich at BelAmiOnline

Life Is Better With BelAmi: Superwide & Tall Posts
sassy princess says:

Except from the fact that they look like twins fucking each other, it’s hot.

GayManFighteroftheStraightMan says:

Excuse me but…

moondoggy says:

I LOVED this … until I realized they don’t fuck. They are too hot to put together just for standing around.

TomCNR says:

Has Zac ever bottomed other than that one time with Hoyt? He did it so well.

Jean Grey's Anatomy says:

I don’t know which is which but I am LIVING.

PierredeSiorac says:

Tall, blond, handsome, piercing blue bedroom eyes AND a huge cock — one of the biggest in the BA stable, that’s Zac DeHaan. I’d love to see him in anything. I just wish he was fucking here instead of just posing.

Life Is Better With BelAmi: Superwide & Tall Posts