BROMO: Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik with Pulsating Toothbrush in ‘Brush With The Law’

Brush With The Law (Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik) at BROMO

Brush With The Law (Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik) at BROMO
Brush With The Law (Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik) at BROMO

Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik (a.k.a. Leon) in ‘Brush With The Law’ at BROMO:

Leon (a.k.a. Ondra Welik) and Lucas (a.k.a. Simon Best) in ‘Brush With The Law’ at BROMO.

Watch as Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik at BROMO

Watch as Simon Best Fucks Ondra Welik at BROMO

Glenn says:

Those ill fitting uniforms ain’t fooling anyone

MisterB says:

Tehehehehe! In all fairness I’m sure that Bromo and the performers know that we know they are not really cops or security guards and there is no attempt at deception. Being fucked with an electric toothbrush does not titillate me though. But, perhaps there are those who have such a fetish, so this is for them. Bromo notoriously does the bizarre, so Bromo is for those who enjoy the bizarre. I enjoyed the beginning with the younger guy getting so horny and so sexually anxious as he watched his partner undress and play with his ass. The ending looked good, BUT the middle with the electric toothbrush as a dildo did not get a rise out of me, but rather a feeling of annoyance and discomfort just thinking about it.

D Will says:

ill admit that i like simon best, but really only as a bottom.

jinger says:

That guy has to be the worst looking model I’ve seen in a while. Poor Simon.