TimTales: Balaclava-Wearing Alpha Top FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana

FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales

FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales
FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales
FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales

FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales:

It’s a massive Hump Day on Timtales today! The question is: How thick do you want it? Let’s hope you answered with “ridiculously thick”!

Meet FullmetalTwunk, a sexy alpha top from the US with a massive cock. It’s big on all angles. So you better get your ass ready. Ain’t it right Joaquin Santana?

Watch that humongous cock slide in and out of that petite Colombian bottom boy. There’s so much cock that you can see his stomach bulge. What a wonderful view! Enjoy ;)

Watch as FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales

Watch as FullMetalTwunk fucks Joaquin Santana at TimTales

Gazzaq says:

No matter how hot a scene is, I will not watch it were the guy wears a mask, or won’t show his face or is headless. As really what is the bloody point Tim Kruger and Grobes should know better, and this is an only JFF/OF ploy to make loads of cash off dumb ass subscribers who really should have more sense. And this is me being all judgemental!

Jay says:

Fullmetaltwunk is a great performer and has a long list of scenes with people who really showed out.

He has a very strong dick. He is kind of a rarity given how hairy he is, especially in this industry. As an adult content creator I admire his dedication and hustle. I also understand his desire to remain somewhat anon with his mask concerning how far and wide reaching the internet is and the troublesome times LGBT people live in now. I applaud his control of boundaries concerning sharing his face on screen.

His twitter feed has 0 trace of drama and elevates issues in sex work and strengthening local communities positively. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders as well as his dick. 10/10 Great choice for TimTales. Hope he comes back!

As usual glad to see Joaquin back to play!

Gazzaq says:

Jay mate he may have all of those the positive attributes et al, but me and you definitely differ on this. I need to see the face of the performer. This man, PRK Yardiestyle, Anonymous Bottom et all annoy me. Yes’ he is great Top only guy, but I need to see a face on the performers in porn end of, Yes I would like him to come back, but without the mask!

DeeGee says:

As an adult content creator I admire his dedication and hustle.

Are you saying you’re an adult content creator? The subject of whatever follows “As a” is generally perceived to be speaking “as a.”

moondoggy says:

I’m guessing he meant, “I admire his dedication and hustle as an adult content creator.” But of course I could be wrong.

I’m with @disqus_xWGx9i6hug:disqus here. I don’t mind a masked or headless performer amid a group scene, but it’s pretty rare that I would embrace a masked performer as the sole top. That’s especially true when the bottom is as gorgeous and perfect as Joaquin. And even more especially true when the studio has a track record of “If you have a horse dick, we don’t care what the rest of you looks like.” Just feels like half a scene. And they don’t even show where, how, or if the top came, unless I’m overlooking it somewhere. Pretty good indication that it’s mediocre. Joaquin deserves so much wetter. Er, better.


DeeGee says:

P.S. I like a mask if it’s part of the scene, even more so if it comes off. I really hate a full OnlyFans career built on not showing your face. I’m looking right at you 10-inch Top. Well, right at your clavicle.

moondoggy says:

10-inch incenses me for all of his fake loads. I think I saw him cum authentically once, but for that one, I’ve seen at least ten that I knew to be phony.

Gazzaq says:

Loads of these guys can’t cum hence why I stop watching OF/JFF scenes with their hard fucking action with barley any cum being produced. That and the crap camera angles, unless you are R Shabazz with his dizzy whizzy camera action! Hence why I re-join CF as they have decent cum shots. Roman and Rocky 10/10!

This guy Fullmetaltwunki I agree with Jay to a point that he ‘ is a great performer and has a long list of scenes with people who really showed out’, however all the films I have seen with him, it’s evident that he can hardly cum and yes, he can fuck well, but it has to be more than being a ‘Stunt Dick’, banging the hell out of the passive bottoms. This just bores me!

He is like PhatRabbitKiller who has huge prick, but that guy never ejaculated. Yardiestyle was the same but he improve a little. As was Roxas Caelum who could hardly cum, but now produce fairly decent loads as in his film with Sage Anson, that was hot!

P.S Fullmetaltwunki face is revealed in his video 39 minutes in with Ayko Staxx riding him and he is nice looking man!

Handonmyliver says:

Actually you can see his face on instagram, and all I can say is that I get why he wants to remain anon… Not bad, but too polished for my taste, and doesn’t really fit with the persona he has going on

Gazzaq says:

Very, very, harsh but he has not got the best looking face has he, as I have also seen his Instagram page with his boyfriend Sean Austin, who irritates the hell out of me with his over pouting fake lips all of the time in his sex scenes!

Handonmyliver says:

I was not trying to be harsh, it’s just that the instagram cosmetic surgery industrial complex can often lead those gay models (him and his boyfriend included) straight into uncanny valley. The line between “enhancing your natural beauty” and conformity towards temporary beauty standards or the preservation of youth is very blurry, and in this showbiz, some will for sure feel the need to preserve their appeal for as long as possible. Someone like me might be turned off , but as long as there is an audience that hypes up this Eurocentric, hyper-masculine ideal it won’t stop. When I see people complain about supposed “ugly” TimTales models, a part of me is at least glad that they at least seem comfortable and content with their face and body. Not even sex workers can escape the wreath of social expectations placed on the likes of K-Pop idols and public figure; it’s entertainment, afterall.

The porn industry is not at a good place right now…

Gazzaq says:

Hey there, I was not criticising you, as I meant ‘harsh’ in good way. Well said re your comment and I hear you and I feel the same regarding the complaints about the TT guys not being seen as the ideal idea of the ‘Eurocentric, hyper-masculine ideal’ for the Gay or Gay4Pay porn models. I like all types of men in gay and straight porn and it more about their ability to perform authentically rather than their pretty boy generic looks. I do agree that the porn industry is not at a good place right now and to be fair it had not been for long time sadly!

DeeGee says:

I’m sure that’s what he meant. I almost added an LOL but I didn’t want to appear too snarky. Or start talking about subordinate clauses.

treasuretrail says:

I thought I was having a stroke seeing the same photos 3 times as I scrolled down. Lmao

jinger says:

He looks great, and to get a reaction out of Joaquin, that dick must be something.

Paulbon23 says:

Really hot, despite the mask.