BelAmi: Stefano Girard [Dreamy Hungarian Model of the Week]

Stefano Girard [Dreamy Hungarian Model of the Week] at BelAmiOnline

Stefano Girard [Dreamy Hungarian Model of the Week] at BelAmiOnline:

Our latest addition to the collection of dreamy Hungarians is Stefano Girard. A lot of the time we find that our Hungarian guys have a serious side that goes along with their sexiness and they are more likely to give us smoldering and sexy looks but not so many smiles. Stefano is an exception to this rule and seems to be having such a good time in this photosession as he banters playfully with photographer Eliot. Of course, he still has all the other qualities we have come to expect from this series of Hungarian guys.

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Darkhog says:

Stefano's hot enough to make all the men's mouths drool and dicks wag!

Philip Broad says:

Agreed. Wonder if we'll see him in action.

Darkhog says:

Truly hope to see more of him, we need more refreshing model for summer!

Philip Broad says:

I love that he's so hairy: armpits, groin, ass, legs. I just wanna to lick him all over!

Darkhog says:

Don’t do that!!!! That’s do nasty! Let me do that for you and save you the trouble of being a good boy gone BAD!

Philip Broad says:

Why not share him? An armpit and a nipple each! I hope you'll be willing to share his cock!

Darkhog says:

Will if you don’t mind getting filthy then Sir, let’s have at it! Oink Oink!

Philip Broad says:

You're not in London by any chance?

Darkhog says:

Always wanted to travel across the pond, but no, I’m not.

JB says:

Ha. Gay men, probably.

Philip Broad says:

Isn't everyone round here?

Mark Coppola says:

This guy’s got it all—he’s hot, well-endowed, and has the perfect body with hair just where it should be. Total package! BA nailed it again!

Semafor says:

This dude is totally BelAmi material. He’s a handsome guy who’s not afraid to show off. The pics building up to the best part were totally worth it. Can’t wait for the video, hope we see him in action soon!

jinger says:

If he's willing he can be a star. I hope he gets fucked soon.

Northboy691 says:

Please. Dear God –
I ask SO little:

Much, MUCH more than just solos and photos!

Thanking You on spec.,
– “Thirsty”

Edwin Stoneback says:

Stefano is gorgeous sexy and nicely hairy In places love his yummy stomach beautiful Hungarian hottie

ArgleBjargle says:

Zowie! BelAmi hit gold with this one…if he sticks around!

Mika says:

His video and photos have been removed from the site. I don't know why.

Miklós Ervin Parádi says:

This guy is beautiful. Very nice model.

Life Is Better With BelAmi: Superwide & Tall Posts