Guys In Sweatpants: Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor in ‘Anal Orgasm’

Anal Orgasm (Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor) at Guys In Sweatpants

Anal Orgasm (Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor) at Guys In Sweatpants
Anal Orgasm (Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor) at Guys In Sweatpants

Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor in ‘Anal Orgasm’ at GuysInSweatpants:

“I didn’t expect him to make me have an anal orgasm.” — Kai Taylor, after getting his hole plowed by Ty Santana for 20 minutes straight. He was having an out-of-body experience, and that’s when you know the dick is GOOD.

These two have been eyeing each other for a while, with years’ worth of built-up sexual tension finally exploding the moment they hit the bed. What follows is intense, sweaty, raw, and cum-filled fucking that leaves them both completely dickmatized by the end!

Watch as Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor at GuysInSweatpants

Watch as Ty Santana Fucks Kai Taylor at GuysInSweatpants

Gazzaq says:

Not a fan of Ty Santana as his a bit to Ryheim Shabazzy entourage/y for me!
But Kai Taylor a he is right little Fitty and I do like him in his first few scenes that he appeared in.

DeeGee says:

I get the Rhyheim overdose. I do like sleek back bodies, though, not gonna lie. My issue with Ty is that he's not a particularly convincing top. Similar to Tony Genius. Whereas a Swhirly can be a big old switch, but I'll watch him fucking a boy all day long.

Gazzaq says:

Argh fair enough mate. I agree re the models are fit as fuck. I on the other hand am so not fan of Shabazz and his entourage as their infiltration and domination of the Gay Porn Industry ( just before the pandemic), changed it for the worse in my opinion. its all very samey what I call porn by number’s bland performances. That’s my personal view but others will of course disagree with this 😊!