Timothy Blue (Official Freshmen Debut)

Timothy Blue (Photoshoot) at

Timothy Blue (Photoshoot) at
Timothy Blue (Photoshoot) at

Timothy Blue (Official Debut) at

Despite seeing one scene with Timothy Blue (a.k.a. Ivan Zrzek) as part of Freshmen’s Bootcamp series, this is his “official” debut here on Freshmen with his “first” look set of pictures.

Timothy Blue’s introduction will continue over the next few months where you will see him in scenes with Pip and Justin before consummating with his interview in the spring.

Watch Timothy Blue at

Cubankid says:

Redheads are underrated. This guy is perfection.

moondoggy says:

Yes, especially freckled ones. The creamier redheads like Blu Kennedy and of course Todd Gibbs are slightly more appealing to me, but I would say yes to Timothy any day of the week. He shouldn’t lose any weight, though.

jinger says:

Finally more red meat :P

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

The body, the cock, the ginger bush, the freckles, the hairy ass. Simply beautiful!

Himura_Kenshin says:

was gonna list the same things and saw this comment at the top lol. Minus the hairy ass (though when it is ginger its beautiful) plus the eyes

Colton, The Major Hussy says:

I am not very into hairy asses but in a sexy young man like this one a slight cover of fine fur is just breathtaking.

DisFucanGuy says:

He’s absolutely beautiful, but that ass in the profile pic is definitely photoshopped. And it’s not even necessary. Great find tho.

Ed Stoneback says:

Yes the sexy body the beautiful red hair everywhere that fire Bush is stunning his freckles all his peach fuzz hes really sexy and beautiful