Island Studios: Hairy Basketball Jock Levaughn is Back!

Hairy Basketball Jock Levaughn is Back! at IslandStuds

Hairy Basketball Jock Levaughn is Back! at IslandStuds
Hairy Basketball Jock Levaughn is Back! at IslandStuds

Jock Levaughn is Back! at IslandStudios:

Hairy basketball jock Levaughn is back! Afro Caribbean bubble butt, shows hole, pumps iron, pees, and Creams on his furry 6-Pack!

Watch Levaughn at IslandStudios

Watch Levaughn at IslandStudios

Rod Clint says:

This site is like the Arby’s of gay porn, who is keeping them running?? Granted they regularly feature pretty hot guys, like above, but it’s just solos of them doing yard work naked? I wish this was at least like Spunk Worthy or Military Classified.

moondoggy says:

The guys are very hot, and I’m not going to lie, the (new?) piss angle is INCREDIBLY sexy to me. But yeah, the pictures are more than enough for me — I couldn’t imagine spending money on that lame site.

If any of their models need to stop in and use my bathroom, they are more than welcome! And if they prefer to use a trash can or a bucket on the floor, hey … whatever works.

KushiMitama says:

I need more!!!