Trailer Trash Boys: Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox in “STUCK Butt Plug”

STUCK Butt Plug (Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox) at Trailer Trash Boys

STUCK Butt Plug (Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox) at Trailer Trash Boys
STUCK Butt Plug (Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox) at Trailer Trash Boys

Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox in “STUCK Butt Plug” at Trailer Trash Boys:

Devin Franco is always losing his stuff all over the place and that day he couldn’t find his butt plug. You’d think someone like Devin would be happy for a bit of time with nothing up his hole, but nope… he needs a good stretching.

But, Felix Fox had borrowed it on account of his working with Uncle Drew, and don’t you know it got stuck all up in his hole. Well, Devin was a good friend and helped him get it out before sticking his dick in. That’s how we roll at Lot 45.

Watch as Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox at TrailerTrashBoys

Watch as Devin Franco Fucks Felix Fox at TrailerTrashBoys

treasuretrail says:

Whew! Devin has gotta get off that meth! It is really showing in his whole look now. I knew it was severe, but it makes me sad to see any guy dealing with addiction.

MisterB says:

The name of this site is, Trailer TRASH Boys and you are referring to it as being TRASH. DUH! Once again you go from GB to GB judging and INSULTING Gay and Bi men’s fantasies and fetishes. You think EVERY Gay porn studio should cater to ONLY what gives you a hard-on, if anything does. There are Gay and Bi men whose fantasies include work-men at work sites, where the men might be a bit dirty, sweaty and smelly: Man-Musk. You still do not have a clue what Porn is about and what it is for. You are looking for porn to somehow COMPLETE you. It can’t, so you criticize it for not doing what it can’t do. Porn is for the visual representation of the various fantasies and fetishes that a Gay and Bi man might have.