Freshmen: Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan in ‘Issue 300, Scene 1’

Issue 300, Scene 1 (Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan) at

Issue 300, Scene 1 (Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan) at
Issue 300, Scene 1 (Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan) at

Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan in ‘Issue 300, Scene 1’ at Freshmen:

There are many guys with huge dicks that rely only on the size of their member to attract a lover, but that is certainly not the case with Joel. Gentlemanly, attentive, considerate and passionate, Joel Birkin almost is the perfect package. The recipient of all these ministrations today is bubble butt star, Yannis Paluan in our lead scene this week from our latest Greek project. While it seems that Joel’s dick may have beenm a bit too much for Yannis, he is very well practiced in giving his partners exactly the amount they need for maximum pleasure, and has Yannis squirming in delight throughout this scene.

Watch as Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan at Freshmen

Watch as Joel Birkin Fucks Yannis Paluan at Freshmen

moondoggy says:

Question: Why does it seem like we always get Bel Ami-related updates in batches? It’s rarely one at a time. If we get one, we get three or four in an information dump. Makes it hard to build a conversation around any one scene or model.

I’ve always been meh toward Joel regardless of how huge his dick is. (It’s not thick like Trevor Yates was, so even the dick doesn’t impress me that much.) But Yannis … goddamn, he’s fine.

dustin_jamerson says:

because Bel Ami generally releases some type of update every day or close to it whether it be just pictures of a photoshoot where we get info on the models, a solo, interview, hardcore, etc. on their site. while on their sister site, freshmen which is where this scene came from, they release three updates the same day every Tuesday. i love that about them. no need to complain about alot of content. lol.

moondoggy says:

I can appreciate that, especially for the subscriber. But it does make each update less memorable. That’s why Prince in a way was wrong when he butted heads with his record label. He wanted to release songs as quickly as he could record them. But it’s overload. Leave people wanting just a little more.

dustin_jamerson says:

i can understand that in music but in porn there’s more room for debate bc when you say ‘less memorable’ less memorable for who tho bc they be memorable for me when i come across them & ppl can comment on the actual site where as like CF for example, you can’t. it gives ppl more of a chance to connect with. someone that they may like bc they have more options to choose from. its a huge plus in my opinion. i think releasing so many scenes makes it harder for. certain ones to stand out simply bc there could be so many good ones though.

moondoggy says:

i think releasing so many scenes makes it harder for. certain ones to stand out simply bc there could be so many good ones though.

That’s exactly what I mean. There still are Sean Cody scenes 2012-14 that I am sure if they came out now, I’d lose my shit over how good they were. But they came out then amid that tsunami of good scenes, and I never even got around to some of them because I was obsessed with Daniel. And Peter. And Dane. And Marshall. And Christian. And Troy. Of course now, I am thrilled to have all those scenes because the new ones don’t do anything for me. But I’m trusting Bel Ami not to have that problem — they’ve been in business for 30 years, and their worst year was probably their first! Here’s to 30 more.

James Freedman says:

I wanna see Joel Birkin bottoming…when the hell is that happening??? Would have love to see this as a flip-fucking Joel’s ass with Yannis Paluan thick cock

Fummer43 says:

Yannis should always bottom….. he is spectacular

James Freedman says:

Agree Yannis is a good bottom but I love Joel’s flat ass, it needs pounding. Shame on Belami/freshmen