BuzzWest: John Drake

John Drake at BuzzWest
John Drake at BuzzWest
John Drake at BuzzWest
John Drake at BuzzWest

Watch John Drake at BuzzWest

Buzz writes:

John Drake has one of those deep sexy voices that just melts my heart! He’s about 5′ 8″ tall and 140 lbs of worked out Marine muscle. Originally from San Francisco, and now stationed in Southern California, John is a single guy and tells me that he’s only been with two women.

He’s 25 years old and I was shocked to hear what a loyal and friendly guy he is. He looks like such a tough guy, and hardly every smiles despite his pearly white teeth that are perfect. Big fat dick, nice smile, serious personality, very masculine, but still lots of fun. This guy packs a wallop of a cum shot for distance and volume! A man after my own heart! Hope you enjoy watching him as much as I have over and over!