SeanCody: Alexander & Christian (Bareback)

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Alexander & Christian (Bareback) at SeanCody

Watch Alexander & Christian at

“You guys look like you belong to the same frat,” I said jokingly.

Alexander and Christian had already started to bond and they were having a great time comparing stories.

“Yeah, I was varsity,” Christian said. “I wrestled a little bit!”

“No way! Me too!” Alexander added.

“Did you like to start as the top or bottom?” Christian said, winking at Alexander.

“We’re still talking about wrestling, right?”

“I think so!”

“You guys know that you don’t to have flirt,” I said. “It’s pretty much a sure thing, you know!”

They looked at each other and laughed.

“Oh, I know,” Alexander said. “But you need a little bromance to set the mood!”

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Christian said, rubbing Alexander’s chest. “Let’s fuck!”

Watch Alexander & Christian at

dio says:

i’m all for fresh meat, but this just makes me want to go vegan. :-s

the new hair really makes Alexander look more like Jarek’s (funny, considering many thought this guy looked like Jarek and Christian was just fucked by him… LOL) old look than I’d like, and takes a large chunk out of Alexander’s charm. :-/

that said, I am REALLY not feeling this. LOL I’m not big on Christian and Alexander’s hair was one of the few things that made him interesting, to me.

i haven’t seen the scene, but I’mma guess Alexander jackrabbit fucks, Christian howls and begs, yaddayadda, watery-come-works finish all sweaty and panting? x-P

dio says:

actually, there seems to be none of the usual sweat-drenched-ness of the usual Sean Cody sex scenes… everything was so dry. What up with that?

anyway, so going by the screens… does Christian come twice and Xanderdood laps at his come spattered hole, or is that pathetic display Christian’s come shot, and his hole has been cleansed of all traces of Xanderdood’s come? o_0

AssLover says:

Alexander’s hair looks fine and I could care less about it. Christian has been growing on me and I like his big ASS! If I could, I’d Jackhammer Christian’s ASS!!! Alexander, while not as good looking as Erik and Sheldon, has a Cute little ASS!!!

dio says:

eh, no shade to bald(ing) guys, but more than clothes hair really DOES make the man, IMO.

you put a lot of emphasis on these guys asses (LOL) but neither of them really have an ass to note. *shrug* Christian’s is big, but it’s kinda flat, too, not very perky. And Xander’s was never doing it.

Colby Parr says:

I think Alexander’s so sexy. I’m here for this.

Dio, Alexander got yo’ mind. haha. I haven’t heard that in so long. Not since a Mary J. Blige stan used to say it on another message board.

dio says:

not quite. I liked his hair, tho. R.I.P. It was def. a change of pace from the SC-norm.

TrueWords says:

….the old crew seems to be gone with the wind…the new crew is bringing the fresh air

dio says:

@TrueWords, you need to relax, dood. What are you gonna do when Curtis, Marshall, Calvin, and Ethan – the old crew pop up in future updates? You seem nice enough, but this ‘soothsayer’ shtick of yours is gonna eventually run it’s course. Why not just be a reg. commenter? Why do you need to added fanfare/attention of ‘OMG, insider!!!!’ status? LOL

and weren’t Brandon/Brodie (.>

TrueWords says:

@ Dio…weren’t you supposed to suck a bag of dicks before addressing me on this forum…I can’t believe you are done already…guess you need a bigger bag??

dicoco says:

The title of this update is ‘when fug meets fug’.

oh gosh I can’t believe I have to wait 3 more days for another update. :(

Neobamboom says:

OMG, you took the words right out of my mouth. Oh wait. Landon isn’t in this update.
Thank the gods!

†orrie says:

Couldn’t have said it better myself. *pukes*

DaveAtom says:

Agree 100%

Einreb1984ofSouthSF says:

+1…….. where the hell is Daniel or Sheldon?……….

AssLover says:


ved says:

We want Sheldon Marshall Daniel !

TrueWords says:

YES three more days until:

1. you don’t have a say in the models

2. you don’t have a say in how they look

3. you have something to complain about because you have not realized it is ONLY porn…

darkthunder1983 says:

Why are you bringing up Landon when he isn’t even remotely related to this update? At least Paul Wag — damn, he’s on my mind now. LOL

Mike says:

Not interested in these guys.

jockyboy says:

Meh…I don’t think it looks that bad, but it’s not something I’d actually watch. Still waiting for Daniel’s next scene…

SilverFoxes says:

Same here, Jockyboy. Still waiting for Daniel to powerfuck someone. If it doesn’t happen on Monday, I will be pissed. BRING DANIEL BACK PLEASE!

muffintop says:

Ugh, what a waste of Christian. I love Christian as the beefy bottom but Alexander? Yuck. Not to mention that, of all the guys they could have brought back, they bring back Alexander…

You know, I know I gave Jarek flack for the new hair, but this kinda makes me realize Jarek is still one of the better guys Christian could have been paired with.

Neobamboom says:

I LOVE ME SOME CHRISTIAN. That ass was made to be plowed.
not a fan of the top and his stupid/awkward/stupid tatts though. maybe if he didn’t have the tatts

wingfield says:

I love me some Christian as well, though he was a little over dramatic in his last scene. I think he’s my second favorite new bottom right behind Troy.

elmtree says:

Neobamboom…so true what you said about Christian and his ass. Love me a big assed, hot bodied bottom and Christian fills that bill very nicely. Forget about pretty (?) boy Sheldon who everyone seems to be clamoring about. Give me one of Christian to go and I’m happy!

SilverFoxes says:

I don’t think Alexander is all that bad, and I like the combo of Christian’s blondness and blue eyes with Alexander’s exotic look – but I wanted this to be a Daniel update. Was hoping to see Daniel fuck Erik or Sheldon. Or even Aidan again. DANIEL WE LOVE YOU

endeeeff says:

I’m only here for seeing Christian squeal like a pig.

TrueWords says:

and I am sure he will squeal like a little piggy!!

CA says:

Still no Sheldon :-( Not looking good for his return, which makes me sad.

Also, bring back Dane, Daniel, Ashton…Marshall, I know TW, you said he’s on the outs, but I’m starting a write in! Marshall for Homecoming King 2012.

I like big guys, so I’m into Alexander…although those leg tats are lame and plain ridiculous. Christian isn’t my type…pull back on him.

TrueWords says:

Rotation is about patience…just hold on and wait and see…can’t put the A Team out there right away…since people paid already you have to parcel out these guys and keep up the interest and generate money for the website…

CA says:

Sigh…I know, you’re right.

whitestealth says:

I hope you’re right, TW. What you say makes sense, but Alexander?!! There are lots of others on the B team. This guy is a Z! And Christian is only a C…

†orrie says:

Fuck this. I was hoping for a Sheldon update. These two are fucking gross.

DaveAtom says:

I was hoping for that too. I’m so pissed off!!! And both men are disgusting

TrueWords says:

Gross…really…you mean you can’t get hard while watching them have PASSIONATE bareback sex and CUM…really, are you trying HARD enough…

darkthunder1983 says:

Well to be honest, TW, †orrie technically can’t get hard. LOL
If she did, I’d have some questions for her. LMAO

†orrie says:

@TrueWords @Darkthunder1983 Yeah, technically I can’t get hard. Really wish I could LOL

But even if I could, it def. won’t be due to these two LMAO

SuperDuper says:

LMAO You wish you could. :P You’re like the 4th female I’ve heard say something like that. There’s nothing like having an erection though honestly. It’s great being a guy. :D

I love girls as well but you lot got it hard. :P

the last dodo says:

Seeing Alexander’s dopey face makes Christian look good by comparison. Not that I dislike Christian, but beefy bottoms just don’t do it for me.

ahartford123 says:

Agreed on the face. He’s like a horse.

DaveAtom says:

Another update and another fail imo… When the damn fuckfest, with hot guys? Sheldon, Daniel, Marshall,… pick them up for an update ASAP

Probed says:

Yikes, poor guy, look at how wide his hole is! Does he get fisted on a nightly basis?

humanoid says:

alexander-christian-sc-02 pic – yes… it looks like a vag!!! disgusting!!!

TrueWords says:

well the prep work to dick in one’s man pussy can stretch the hole and it does take time before the original shape comes back…maybe they should have waited to film???

LJ says:

+1 That worked over hole kind of scares me… like it could bite your dick off or something. Of course it does distract from Alexander’s douche tattoos… so that’s a plus.

hollydick says:

I’m a bit late : regarding previous model “Leon”, his accent is not french, so he’s not french canadian at all ! canadian from west coast maybe ?

jinger says:

I was so expecting to see him in this update :(

VegasRich says:

I just can’t get into Alexander. The tattoos are just stupid looking. I was so hoping he wouldn’t return. But I do love Christian. He may make this video worth watching.

Cubankid says:

Not really feeling this update. Alexander is ok but Christian is just not doing it for me.

TrueWords says:

You mean Christian is not hotter than Jamie as the new masculine pussy bottom??

Mike says:

I don’t think he’s hotter than Jamie. Not even close.

jinger says:

Agree with Mike

Ted says:

Nice, even if I’m the only one… this is hot! Good job Sean Cody (It’s feels like It’s been a while since I’ve said this) one more hot update, and it’ll probably push me to buy a month subscription again (I guess if they were more consistent in guys and match ups I like, I’d probably get a regular one, but.. I’d largely say Sean Cody must not be for me).

Jonny Marzetti says:

Nice bodies and the action looks OK, but Christian is very average-looking while Alexander is well below average. And Christian’s ass is too damn hairy. Next…

TrueWords says:

Some men have hairy ass and that includes some gay men…guess you better get used to it and fast…

von schlomo says:

While some dudes have hairy asses and I love hairy asses, Jonny, nor any of the rest of us, doesn’t have to get “used” to anything. You like what you like.

dio says:

their bodies are both kinda ‘close, but no cigar’ for me. I don’t buy that Xander is as avid a surfer as they’re trying to get across and Christian’s chest is morbifly under developed. As you know, Jonny. I fancy me an attractively fuzzy bottom, but Christie’s just isn’t doing it, because it’s so flat. Muscular, but very flat.

overall, this scene was flat.

Sander Cohen says:

bring Gavin back
Gavin fucked by Jarek… that would be great

Helluva Bottom Carter says:

Ugh, yes. But you know how Sean Cody is with the openly dick-loving gay boys… >_>

ved says:

Both are not my cup of tea.
Sheldon seems go far far far way from Sean Cody now, what a pity!

jag2power says:

Myself, I like big ole’ power bottom sluts and Christen fits that script and do I spot some felching going on at the end? That’s different.

jimzy says:

need a glossary…felching?

PornJock says:

No. There is editing and a sudden change of positions. Probably Christian was cleaned up when he was being rimmed. And you can’t even see Christian’s hole. Felching would have been cool and different to see.

TrueWords says:

well you can’t get what you want…Seancody and many other think that bareback is enough because the masses have pleaded for it first and well all else second…

Jay says:

This isn’t a terrible update. In fact, no Sean Cody update is a terrible update. The circle jerk crew on Waybig may not like it because one of their based gods isn’t putting on a show but many out there are bound to enjoy it. Remember, the people who are most likely to make noise on the internet are those who feel safe hiding behind a name and making a fuss, especially if they bring their friends from another forum to back up their terrible opinions.

von schlomo says:

Calm down and let go of your pearls. LOL

Jay says:

It’s awful because it’s true. It wasn’t like this here before they all came around the same time.

ahartford123 says:

People’s opinions being terrible is your own opinion. Which I think is terrible. And that’s my opinion. ;)

Jay says:

People can have opinions that don’t agree, what is terrible is how they express them and what they imply while expressing those opinions. Freedom to express opinions is fine, expressing your opinion in an asshole way that is disrespectful to models is terrible and should be called out.

The models come to this site, the producers do on occasion as well. There are horrible and terrible things said on Waybig much more often then any other porn blog out there. Sometimes the things that are said may have an affect on the model or effect the quality of the product produced by the studios.

jazz says:

So they couldn’t possibly try to pass off Alexander as straight…not with that LV tattoo on his leg. No straight man would have that.

Angel5 says:

This vid was meh. I think Christian works as a power bottom but Alexander…no thank you.

pubert says:

The bottom actually looks better in this update. It must be because he’s paired with an atrocious fug of a top.

SilverFoxes says:

Alexander is kind of cute. It’s just that he’s nowhere near as sexy/dirty as Daniel. Bring Daniel back to top please!

CA says:

Ugly? Come on guys, Alexander is no where near ugly. He’s far more attractive in video than in these pics.

jinger says:

He does nothing for me.

CA says:

I get that, totally. However, ugly is a rough word. Matt Damon doesn’t do it for me, but he’s not ugly. Neither of those guys from Twilight do it for me, but they’re not ugly. I can go on…ugly is just strong and should be reserved for people like Carrot Top. IMO.

darkthunder1983 says:

TrueWords, you have to be a wizard because there are definitely no veterans in this video. Hence the numeral III behind their names.

TrueWords says:

you flatter me….also when am I going to give you a show on Skype??

darkthunder1983 says:

Probably when I have a better laptop. I’ve been having some serious issues with it which is not a big surprise since it’s going on 4 years old now. Has been pretty good up until now. Maybe with your magic if Landon comes back again he’ll finally let that bubble butt of his get pounded via BB since it’s been pounded already before.

Also, I know for a fact I don’t see “Monkeys In a Barrel” tattooed on Alexander’s leg. Cute dude. Terrible taste in tats.

mf1 says:

Omg i’m so spoiled by previous updates that I almost think this video is nasty. What is becoming of me

darkthunder1983 says:

You have an opinion. Nothing wrong with that. If it doesn’t interest you, it doesn’t interest you. Doesn’t really make my dingle tingle (yeah, I said what I said) but there have been updates before that didn’t look good to me and I watched them and it was a whole different story.

pubert says:

After looking at the last pics again I thought of something.

Who eats someone’s ass after it’s just been fucked? It’s covered in shit residue from the dick going in and out. I don’t care how well you clean, when you fuck someone shit particles are on your dick on on their ass. I’ve smelled it. And he’s eating it?

Fucking gross!

PornJock says:

The video is edited. It’s not continuous. Watch before making assumptions.

von schlomo says:

Think before making statements. SOME people around here like feltching and that is certainly what is being implied, whether they take a break in between and clean up or not. SOME people around here like ATM, well, there’s shit particles there too!

Fucking gross!

jinger says:

I don’t think Sean Cody has ever talked about it, but I’m pretty sure they make their models cleanse their colon before shooting a scene.

jimzy says:

Christian gives satisfaction sucking and tasting cock, but too dramatic with all the moaning…who makes the choice for these guys? cornball stuff…like the forced laugh track on bad sit-oms. There’s no laugh track on Modern Family and that makes it a better comedy. Why the obligatory moaning and groaning?? Time to turn the page on this.

Alexander really gets it on with Christian, and makes me hard (I like his look/body and desire/determination to please Christian), but at the end, instead of lingering on his hole, he should have finished with his tongue on Christian’s cum offering (such as it was), and then a satisfying kiss. Absent that, this fell flat..bad acting from Christian adds to this disappointing update. I vote a return for Alexander with better direction.

simonessmann says:

CHRISTIAN is fugly, he talks and acts like a cheap super gay bottom guy YUCK

on a sidenote, i just can’t at how beautiful ALEXANDER’s feet and legs are !!! WOWOW am i the only to notice how beautiful his feet are ???

von schlomo says:

I noticed the legs and I kinda like legs but while I sometimes notice feet, I’m not into feet and I don’t dwell on them. hehe

CA says:

Hell’s yeah! Awesome feet. Awesome legs. Why?! Why?! Why?! Ruin those beauties with those tats?

PornJock says:

Christian is a star, plain and simple. I know he’d be a fantastic lover.

SuperDuper says:

I was actually expecting something better than this…. TT__TT I’m not interested in downloading this video.

dio says:

i wonder if this update will crawl past 100 posts? LOL

Jay says:

It’s already at 75 and it’s only been one day.

darkthunder1983 says:

We’re making progress. Some of the Sean Cody posts have been hitting 100 without Brandon being a part of it.

jinger says:

Oh no :( Alexander is back
I haven’t watched this yet, but I’m definitely not excited.

Patrol says:

I like Christian. He’a been in the Pierce role twice; i wonder if he will be the next resident muscle bottom. Alexander is OK but it’s hard to take this many silly tattoos seriously.

Southbay says:

This looks kinda hot

Timrod says:

I ignored his solo, but now I think Alexander is hot. Want to see him back.

simonessmann says:

Alexander is totally hawt
the body and attitude of a real straight guy who trains
his feet are amazing
and he fucks well
can’t wait to see him fuck brandon or aidan or ashton or Jordan or jarek

cdman says:

Christian is awesome in my book. Handsome face, great body and a great bottom. He seems to really enjoy it. I wonder if he’s going to be SC’s new “regular” bottom like Jamie was? I definitely hope so.

elmtree says:


jinger says:

Christian needs to shut up, he’s too much of a loud bottom for Christ’s sake, but I love his body and ass.

Pinky says:

Christian is like a big ass teddy bear, me gusta. He needs to be probably rimmed too, I’m not here for a 3 second “rim” tacked onto the very end.

Pinky says:


SilverFoxes says:

Alexander, if you are reading this, you’re nowhere near as bad-looking as some of the comments. And Christian, I would’ve preferred you as a top. Too bad you turned into a bottom like Troy.

But, Daniel, you need to come back ASAP and powerfuck someone, sir….

Tanks a lot…

swim400 says:

Alexander just can’t get into him. Those distracting tats. Never finished watching this update. Went back to Jarek and Christian and Jarek and anybody. Keep Jarek going. Please.