The Gay Office: Law & Hoarder (John Magnum & Bryce Star)

Law & Hoarder (John Magnum & Bryce Star) at The Gay Office

Law & Hoarder (John Magnum & Bryce Star) at The Gay Office

Law & Hoarder (John Magnum & Bryce Star) at The Gay Office

John Magnum has had it with Bryce Star’s messy office. When Bryce denies he has a hoarding problem John does everything he can to fuck some sense into him!

Watch John Magnum & Bryce Star at

von schlomo says:

John only when he’s bottoming and Bryce never.

darkthunder1983 says:

I agree about liking John when he bottoms.

moondoggy says:

This is officially the stupidest idea for a sex scene ever.

elmtree says:


Bradster says:

Even Bryce’s hawtness can’t overcome John Magnum’s extreme fug. Total FAIL.

manu says:

JOhn needs to let his hairs grow and either get a beard or wear a wig .
He needs hair on his face, the nude look is kinda creepy for me :p Reminds me of Mr Clean which I don’t find very erotic.
He should also stick to bottoming IMO

Daniel says:

This is a little pathetic.