SeanCody: Brady

Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody

Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody
Brady at SeanCody

Watch Brady at

Sean wrote:

To be honest, when I first met Brady, I wasn’t sure how it was going to work out. He has a shaved head and looks like the type that would be at home picking a fight in a bar. He was wearing a baggy shirt and jeans with black military boots. So I couldn’t really tell what his body looked like.

“Why don’t you go ahead and get undressed,” I requested, not really sure what to expect.

“All the way?” he asked. Not the least bit shy. I liked that.

“Yeah, all the way.”

First, the boots and socks came off. I’m not much of a foot person so nothing to see there, really. Then the shirt came off. “Holy shit!” I thought to myself. Then the pants and finally the underwear. “Man you got a muscular little body on you!” I thought out loud. And he did. Very muscular and nicely proportioned. Cute ass too. He smiled and said “Thanks.”

I was really starting to warm up to this guy. He wasn’t at all what I expected. Then the obligatory question: “You straight or gay?”

“I’m bi,” he replied. Shocker. I would have pegged him for straight. I thought for a moment about having him take out the earrings. Make him a little more “collegiate”. But I decided against it. The look works for him.

Brady was actually a lot of fun to work with. He’s a nasty boy. I loved how he ejaculated at the end of the movie (and what he did with the result)!

BabyJane says:

nice cock.

David says:

stiff gorgeous dick..too bad he squirted his cum on the carpet..