ChaosMen: Forge (Solo)

Forge (Solo) at ChaosMen

Forge (Solo) at ChaosMen

Forge (Solo) at ChaosMen

Forge (Solo) at ChaosMen

Forge (Solo) at ChaosMen

Forge (Solo) at ChaosMen

Watch Forge at

Forge has that whole stern, rough and tough air about him. At 34, he is in amazing shape, and that 9.5 inch cock of his is just as an impressive.

His solo is pretty great. Forge is quiet, but plays to the cameras nicely, and then the cum shot he is tremendous. His ejaculation literally has him writhing around and sitting up from the force!

He really likes the ladies, but finds that they don’t pay him as much attention as the guys. So he came into this shoot knowing that he could at least manage getting head.

Stay-tuned next week to see that big ‘ole cock get Serviced!

Watch Forge at

elmtree says:

Nice cock. I hope its Shiloh doing the servicing on it!

dio says:

@CF, gosh, Tom’s fucking errybody. LOL

johnrt says:

he must work cheap, they keep using him, and he isn’t even that good. Not interested.

robert_dya says:

@johnrt At least he better than Kent , Happer , brayden. Scott, taylor-tyler , Reagan ( pig boy , ugly , ugly + useless + annoying .. )

johnrt says:

@robert_dya. Unfortunately you are right. That is the problem with CF, guys are nowhere near as hot as they used to be. (except Smith). Sean Cody is not as good lately either, and Chaos, well it is a mess. Good thing is I’ve saved a lot of money cancelling subscriptions, I’m tired of paying for bad sites. I’ll wait for one to get good again, hopefully.

CA says:

CF clearly has a rotation of their models pushing out all of a models films at once after their visit to Vegas.

I love Tom and Dixon so I’m not complaining :-)

moondoggy says:

I continue to want to see Vander take a brown or black dick. He fucked Carmine (whom I never liked), and that is the only nonwhite pairing he’s ever done that I can find. Why he and Cruz never got it on is a complete mystery to me. Maybe this will “forge” new territory for the Van’ man.

wuddup says:

uh, yeah, i’m sure that’s what everyone was thinking.

moondoggy says:

It’s what *I* was thinking. That’s why I wrote it.

wuddup says:

now we’re naming the “models” after f*ing x-men.
that’s creative, bry.

endeeeff says:

Could’ve been worse. He could’ve been named Maggott.

Dark Angel says:

I guess they’ve moved on from presidents (Reagan, Clinton, Tyler). I suppose comic book characters are a natural transition. Up next…serial killers (Gacy, Bundy, Dahmer). Can’t wait for the for the Clinton/Bundy scene. A little morbid I admit, so I guess we’ll see it on Corbin Fisher Select.

slipperyslope says:

“Why does everybody call me Crazy-Eyes?”

CP3PO says:

Serial killer face aside, I guess?

Jonny Marzetti says:
