SeanCody: Berke & Devin

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Berke & Devin at SeanCody

Watch Berke & Devin at

Sean wrote:

Berke is back and he’s looking even more hairy and muscular than ever!

“What have you been up to?” I asked him. “I haven’t seen you for a while.”

“Just working,” he replied.

“I notice that your body hair has grown out a little. It looks good.”

“Yeah, I grew it out for you guys,” he said. “I’m going to shave it off after we’re done!”

Hey, he knows what I like!

Devin was all grins when he met Berke. There was a definite attraction in the air and I believe that Devin was truly looking forward to getting fucked. Perhaps Devin is slowly moving into “bi” territory.

This was a really fun film to make. Berke’s big humpy body fucking the shit out of Devin’s smaller, smoother frame…

Brad says:

Get that rent money, Devin.

Austin says:

Berke is so good lookin’!

dell says:

Sean Cody this Bi crap about Devin is alot of BS. Everyone can see he is a total Queen.

Blah! says:

ok three things: I didn’t expect this at all (which is good). With THAT having been said, if Devin is bi, I am straigt as a cowboy in a saloon. I mean he pretty much veered away from being bi when he agreed several times to get fucked by dudes on camera (and who knows how many times offscreen). Last but not least “fucking the shit out of . . .” does NOT bring to mind sexy images. Carry on.

phunky says:

Berke has an awesome body, but his face? Not so awesome.

TONNY says:

not is braqzilian men + is beltiffulllllll.wit Roger gang bang

nudediver says:

Sexy as hell. I can’t wait for things to flip and Berke gets a good booty spanking.

Erik says:

Berke…the “Gabe” of Sean Cody.

Bobby says:

Whoever cut Devin’s hair should be shot!!!!

jamie says:

Berke’s hairly bubble butt is one of the best I have seen….I am glad he is back….just for a while thought Sean just let him go.Moreover after so many videos I expected some kissing….
Kissing is so sexy…..kiss before you fuck!!!

EVU says:

Devin is definitley number one on my list of sean cody models right now. I love love love him. He’s so adorable and is jst so cute and wow like we could fuck all night long haha seriousley though I like him a lot.
And yes he definitley needs a new hairstyle but at least he changed it up a little bit.


CarlBrego says:

The Berke dude has a nice body. Bobby I agree, that’s a horrible haircut on Devin!

peter says:

Haircut; sorry but I can’t get my eyes away from something else.

darkthunder1983 says:

What was on his teeth?

Tobias says:

I’m starting to lose my mind. These Sean Cody videos are all starting to look alike. I saw the first image and thought to myself: “Self, haven’t I seen this before?” Are they straight? I didn’t even bother to read the corny copy.

Travis says:

I like Devin but not Berke. I just think he isnt too good looking. This is a good video tho.

mizbehavin says:

poor devin. i wouldnt have done this shoot.

MM says:

so far so boring. wheres parker? wheres patrick?

zzz says:

i miss ford… :( would be nice to see him flip flop with devin , hehehe :)

don says:

“There was a definite attraction in the air and I believe that Devin was truly looking forward to getting fucked. Perhaps Devin is slowly moving into “bi” territory.” I adore Devin but–heehee!–even this is too much stating the obvious for Sean Cody. I have no idea if Devin has a girlfriend out in the real world, but after being fucked by three or four of Sean Cody’s new top guys, I think Devin moved into “bi territory” a thousand miles back.

milo says:

i love devin

Ryan says:

Berke has a retard-face.

ram says:

I do believe Sean when he says he just puts down what the guys tell him when they first come in. If they say they are straight, then he puts down straight, whats he going to do? Argue with them. And I bet a lot of these guys do really believe it themselves. They are only doing it becuase they are getting paid for it. BUT I do not believe any of these guys are really straight. Have not everyone of them gotten on-line and looked at the site, before they have even contacted Sean and known what it is all about? It’s called denial.

Jason says:

Awesome scene.

Vinnie Niagara says:

Hunh? “Sean Cody writes down what they tell them?” ONE MORE TIME: These are NOT ordinary people. They are employees of a porno maker. They apply for the gig. They sign waivers. They get paid. Sean Cody and others are legally required to give them 1099 forms for the IRS. Cody and his porn brethren (long may they work) are businessmen. They have to adhere to the Federal guidelines on using underage models – they can’t. Read the disclaimer. This is a business. Sean Cody makes up the copy. He’s not a bright guy in the creative sense – he writes dull copy. And his sense of decor – his ugly sets – isn’t keen, it’s atrocious. As for the shoot itself, this one is okay. Berke has a super body, but the set is so brown and dark that you can hardly see it. Cody needs to learn about lighting. And to get some new furniture.

Blah! says:

LOL @ Ryan. I totally agree . . .

Ev. says:

he looks like a retard but it doesn´t matter if u have such nice hairy body and cock

nudediver says:

Oh how I miss Harley. He was appearing on the site a lot, but boy can he fuck an ass.

BurlyBearSF says:

Berke has that kind of thick set, black Irish face, like Alec Baldwin ~ but with a hot body! I’m ready to see more hair grow-in on Berke.

HOTTT says:

When could we see Berke fucked? in one vid he says that he would never take it. I want him to see fucked not by one but by three at the same time. He would look extremely great

darkthunder1983 says:

Love Devin. Always have. Always will. The only issue I had with this video was one of his teeth. Not to be picky but you would think with the cameraman doing close-up shots of the guys’ mouths that he would have told Devin that he had something green on one of his front teeth.