Boys Halfway House

At Boys Halfway House you will find video and photo evidence of the abuse of helpless young men. Some of the guys at the house are gay, some are straight. Getting into trouble with the law happens regardless of orientation.

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Boys Halfway House, Incident 213: Jack Lowe Blows Trevor Hardman in ’18 & Already A Cum Guzzler’

Incident 213: Jack Lowe Blows Trevor Hardman in '18 & Already A Cum Guzzler' at Boys Halfway House

BoysHalfwayHouse: Jack Lowe is only 18 so he hasn’t figured out that his best asset is simply his throat. Our guess is that once he leaves our care, he will relapse into a life of thrill-seeking and petty crime. Only after he has fallen pretty low will he thank us for helping him develop his cum guzzling abilities.

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Boys Halfway House, Incident #265: Clay & Ray Garner Spit-Roast Kobe Ashton in ‘Well-Deserved Smashing’

Incident #265: Clay & Ray Garner Spit-Roast Kobe Ashton in 'Well Deserved Smashing' at Boys Halfway House

Boys Halfway House: Clay & Ray Garner spit-roasted this fucker and he got fucked with a big thick cock until his toosh was sore. We both enjoyed our blowjobs, and my buddy who was plowing him told me later that it was one of his favorite resident assholes of the entire year.

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Boys Halfway House, Incident #263: Clay Fucks Oliver in ‘Think Good Thoughts’

Incident #263: Clay Fucks Oliver in 'Think Good Thoughts' at Boys Halfway House

Boys Halfway House: When times get tough, young men like this guy just seem to crumble. He wishes life were just like in the Buffett songs, where he could relax and have fun all day. Because of this, his time here hasn’t been so smooth, and we are finding it difficult to put up with his shenanigans.

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Boys Halfway House, Incident #185: Chance Armstrong Blows Clay in ‘Oral Therapy Works’

Incident #185: Oral Therapy Works (Chance Armstrong Blows Clay) at Boys Halfway House

Boys Halfway House: Not much to say about this loser (Chance Armstrong) except that his mouth is satin. He can’t hold down a job, make a bed, or cook for himself, but he sure can suck a dick. Oh, he can spend hours on end wasting his life on social media. I suppose if that’s a skill, it’s a skill he is good at as well.

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Boys Halfway House, Incident #262: Clay Fucks SeanCody’s Levi in ‘Leading Through Breeding’

Incident #262: Leading Through Breeding (Clay Fucks SeanCody's Levi) at Boys Halfway House

Boys Halfway House: Levi’s hole, like most delinquents, felt damn good. Since he obviously was a strong guy, I thought he’d be able to ride fairly well. In fact, it was just OK, because he doesn’t seem to have the best motor skills in the world. But I give him an “E” for effort.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall