
ChaosMen features a large collection of exclusive gay porn videos. ChaosMen also produces the hottest picture sets of hot jocks in solo and hardcore content. Disrupt your day with ChaosMen!

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ChaosMen: Ares, Glenn & Griffin Barrows (Bareback Tag Team)

Ares, Glenn & Griffin (Bareback Tag Team) at ChaosMen

After the Griffin & Vander video, I had a few suggestions to add Glenn into that mix with a rematch. Griffin has come on strong, taking on the veterans of my site, so matching them up again would have been a problem. But putting Glenn and Griffin together still seemed like a great idea.

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ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & West (Serviced) (Director’s Cut)

Griffin & West (Serviced) (Director's Cut) at ChaosMen

After West came in, I told him it was likely he would work with Griffin. Some of the gay models tend to be pickier about who they work with, so will ask for access to the site. Anymore, I just set them up an account so they can see the other models, but also see samples of videos and how they go down.

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Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

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ChaosMen: Daz (Solo)

Daz (Solo) at ChaosMen

Daz looks very Russian and is from an Eastern Bloc country. His English is very good, but he still has a thick Romanian accent, ghough he says he is from Eukraine in the interview. He is quick to answer the questions that I always ask, so it is hard to catch it initially. You can tell there is bit of delay while he translates, but still, he is very good with the lingo!

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & Zale (Bareback)

Griffin & Zale (Bareback) at ChaosMen

It took me a couple tries to get Zale back in. He moved and changed jobs. I had him on the schedule once, but his new job kept him busy and he missed a shoot. I was worried he might miss this shoot, but he promised his schedule had settled down, and he was eager to make some great porn.

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Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall