
ChaosMen features a large collection of exclusive gay porn videos. ChaosMen also produces the hottest picture sets of hot jocks in solo and hardcore content. Disrupt your day with ChaosMen!

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Chaos Men: Theon Fucks Brannon (Bareback)

Theon Fucks Brannon (Bareback) at ChaosMen

Theon is back! Theon took some time off for knee surgery, so he was super ready to dive back into having sex with dudes. He was never fussy about performing, but needed a break to get his knee worked on, and of course to get back into shape. Though from the sound of it, weeks after the surgery he was back in the gym, in a wheel chair!

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ChaosMen: Francisco & Noah Riley (Serviced)

Francisco & Noah Riley (Serviced) at ChaosMen

In many ways, the beginning of this video feels a bit like Francisco is a typical straight guy about to get serviced by another dude. But he is Bi, and should be comfortable, but he seemed a little tense to start with.

Francisco seemed very focused on the video playing. We found a Bisexual one to watch, and even though his cock was responding he seemed intent on watching the video and was avoiding eye-contact with Noah.

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Devin Dixon & Maximilian (Peep Serviced)

Devin Dixon & Maximilian (Peep Serviced) at ChaosMen

This video was shot the day before Christmas, as evidenced by the Christmas tree in the background. I am not a big fan of holiday themed porn. Even the Monster Cock week around Halloween are ‘Holiday Neutral’. I always think it is strange if you are re-watching a video in July and the video has some sort of theme that is not even close to the current date.

ChaosMen: Corban & Vander (Bareback)

Corban & Vander (Bareback) at ChaosMen

Corban is a completely different dude in this video! He was fairly closeted when he did his solo/oral video, and would not even suck Jonas, despite him playing with guys in his private life. It was just ‘too gay’. He was married at the time, and not Out to any friends. Well that changed, and now he is a way more open. Corban has a new dude in his life and has the family situation in hand. This is an all new Corban!

ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & Lorenzo (Bareback)

Griffin & Lorenzo (Bareback) at ChaosMen

After seeing Lorenzo with Noah Riley, I knew exactly who I wanted to put him with for his first full-sex scene. Griffin!

I admit it, I wanted an easy shoot where the two guys would instantly connect and have amazing chemistry. I was not disappointed. I basically chased these two around for 45 minutes while they did their thing. I only had to chime in if Lorenzo was blocking whatever it was he was doing (he is still learning to let the camera in) and of course stop to take some photos.

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