
ChaosMen features a large collection of exclusive gay porn videos. ChaosMen also produces the hottest picture sets of hot jocks in solo and hardcore content. Disrupt your day with ChaosMen!

ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & Pax (Serviced)

Griffin & Pax (Serviced) at ChaosMen

As mentioned last week, Pax has had sex with one guy over a longer period of time. It really sounded lopsided, with Pax getting head and fucking the dude, without reciprocating. Doesn’t sound like a lot of intimacy happened. Not even sure he jerked his buddy off. He would put himself in the 90 percent straight category.

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & Jeremiah (Serviced)

Griffin & Jeremiah (Serviced) at ChaosMen

Ok, so I have more than two words, but that about sums this video up. Not only is the oral amazing, but these two are REALLY kissing each other. Jeremiah pulls him for a quick kiss, then it becomes a full on mac session! They follow each intense round of face-fucking with some deep hot kissing!

ChaosMen: Palmer, Vander & Zarek (Tag Team Raw)

Palmer, Vander & Zarek (Tag Team Raw) at ChaosMen

Palmer, Vander and Zarek are super easy going with their limits. Both Vander and Zarek bottom in this video, leaving Palmer Top Dog. He might not have made too much of a fuss, but after seeing both Vander and Zarek’s cocks, he was just fine topping the entire video. He stays rock hard the entire video, so he performs awesome.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Jeremiah (Solo)

Jeremiah (Solo) at ChaosMen

Jeremiah is from Northern California, and grew up in a very liberal environment. He is bisexual, leaning more to the straight side, but has had some experiences with guys. It sounds like his guy-guy experiences are mostly about the moment being right, and not actively pursuing guys. He also seems a little shy about letting his inner circle know about his dabbling with dudes.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Noah Riley (Solo)

Noah Riley (Solo) at ChaosMen

Noah Riley has a small frame, grew his pubes out and also let his chest hair come back. He also looks awesome with his scruffy. I think with his body hair all shaved-up he would fall into the twink category, but with the body hair, I feel, makes him a lot more masculine and mature. But everyone seems to have a different interpretation of what twink means.

ChaosMen: Bay & Palmer (Bareback)

Bay & Palmer (Bareback) at ChaosMen

I think you guys can tell that I really love having Palmer come in and do video work. He just seems very relaxed and confident and down for ‘whatever’ happens on set.

With his tattoos and ripped body, I knew he would look great with Bay, who has the same military vibe. I just wasn’t certain Palmer could handle Bay’s rather large cock!

ChaosMen: Bryan Fucks Cooper Reed (Bareback)

Bryan Fucks Cooper Reed (Bareback) at ChaosMen

I am going to have to stage more “no shows” if it means working with Cooper Reed!

I have mentioned in the past that Cooper and I have some chemistry off set. Not sure why he is into me. He has his longtime girlfriend, is super stable financially, and could have his pick of any number of guys in his age bracket if he was feeling in the mood for meat, but I think when he is genuinely interested in guys, they tend to be more mature, stable, dare I say, daddy type!? A former Marine, maybe he has a thing for the drill sergeant type, but I am hardly sh

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

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