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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Bay & Troi (G:hOle Raw)

Bay & Troi (G:hOle Raw) at ChaosMen

Troi has a rather significant cock, and it has been hard finding dudes to take it. Bay has taken Vander’s cock, so I knew he would be fine with Troi. Vander is a great top and bottom, so it is super easy to match him up. Troi is a bit more reluctant to taking a cock, and I think he shines when he his having his cock worshiped.

ChaosMen: Baker & Glenn (Serviced)

Baker & Glenn (Serviced) at ChaosMen

I mentioned in last week’s summary about Baker that he and Glenn were both working their Winter beards. Glenn grew his out for ‘No Shave November’ and then his girlfriend really liked it, and it such a different look for him, that we have kind of kept it. I am sure it will go away soon if you aren’t digging it. Facial hair is something these guys all seem to like to play around with.

ChaosMen: Cooper Reed and Tatum (Raw)

Cooper Reed and Tatum (Raw) at ChaosMen

I love it when two guys connect that I didn’t think would have much in common! Tatum always has a fascination for built guys, so I knew that would be fine. Cooper actually doesn’t seem real impressed with other muscular guys. His primary interest is women, so I think ‘squishy’ is more to his taste. And I certainly thought the body hair would throw him a bit.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

ChaosMen: Prentice & Shiloh (Serviced)

Prentice & Shiloh (Serviced) at ChaosMen

I believe it has been about 3 years (and 45 pounds more of muscle) since Prentice did his solo. He was a very popular model that never could get his head wrapped around working with a dude. Mostly it was about not wanting his friends to give him a hard time, but as one gets older, it usually becomes less important.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall