Haze Him

College boys doing whatever it takes to get into the fraternity. Hazehim, the worlds only authentic college submission website.

HazeHim: Let’s Clean Up!

Let's Clean Up! at HazeHim.com

We got this tape from a college down south… I won’t name names. These stupid ass pledges weren’t wearing their special signs in the showers so the brothers are here to fuck with them and make them pay. After some really embarrassing ass washing and butthole eating they two pledges that get it the worst have to jerk each other off and then fuck each other. All the other pledges were made to watch. All in all it was a wet, wild night for these young college boys.

Watch “Let’s Clean Up!” at HazeHim.com

HazeHim: Suck Or Fuck

Suck Or Fuck at HazeHim.com

So this week we received a submission from a local frat. These frat boys had their pledge blind folded on his knees while two brothers one with a shirt that said fuck and the other with a shirt that said suck, they simultaneously jerked it and who ever came first the pledge would have to do what it said on their shirt. so this poor pledge was fucked either way. but this pledge trooped it out and took it like a man as the rest of the frat cheered and chanted. who would of thought college would be like this eh?

Watch Suck Or Fuck at HazeHim.com


COCK 'N SLIDE! at HazeHim.com

Okay so this week we have something a ‘lil different, a human slip n slid. this dude sent us his frat initiation video and it was pretty rad. he had all his pledges laying down and they each took turns sliding on top of each other. pretty unique idea we were impressed! throw in a little naked oil wrestling and we have ourselves a party! But unfortunately the losers had to suck it up and take it like champs after all its not like anyone would see this right? HAHA

Watch Cock ‘N Slide at HazeHim.com

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2


PROTEIN SHAKE! at HazeHim.com

These pledges are planning a prank on one of their brothers, and everything goes pretty well to plan, until they get caught jerking off on his door handle! They get herded into his dorm room and the brothers lay into them with some nice hazing!! Naked jumping jacks, some tea bagging and then a couple of the pledges are made to fuck each other, and it really seemed like these dudes liked it a bit, even though they kept saying they hated it. LOL

Watch “PROTEIN SHAKE!” at HazeHim.com

HazeHim: Coo-Coo It’s Party Time Dude!

Coo-Coo It's Party Time Dude! at HazeHim.com

There is nothing like a nice summer time splash, especially when the pool is man made and ghetto rigged as fuck! These poor pledges had to play blind folded in this hole in the ground filled with water. The winners of course were exempt from hell week but the losers had to pay the ultimate price! I mean it’s not embarrassing enough playing naked in a nasty fake pool. As punishment for losing these unfortunate pledges had to suck each their off in front of their brothers and fellow pledges.

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HazeHim: Cleaning Balls!

Cleaning Balls! at HazeHim.com

Okay, so this week we got a rather interesting submission. The pledges in this frat had to clean the entire frat house after a party…wearing french maid outfits. These frat brothers didn’t give a shit and went all out with their pledges. As the poor dudes cleaned the house, the brothers would walk behind them and make more of a mess. That is until the alpha brothers came back from golfing and decided they wanted to have their balls cleaned…and I don’t mean their golf balls. These poor pledges had to lick their brothers balls clean. Talk about a spit shine with a very jizzy ending!

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HazeHim: Losing Has Its Consequences!

Losing Has Its Consequences! at HazeHim.com

So this week we got a submission from some eager frat boys. And by eager I mean freaky. It starts off innocently enough, a bunch of college boys partying in a dorm room. They start raising the stakes on the wagers their making with each other. One team just can’t seem to win. The stakes get higher and higher and well you can guess what happens from there.

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HazeHim: Lingerie Party

Lingerie Party at HazeHim.com

Sometimes we look at these crazy college submission videos and think to our selves “what have we started?” For example this week we received a tape labeled “Lingerie” at first we were curious as to what these frat boys did to their poor pledges. as we watched the video we couldn’t stop laughing at the craziness that ensued. These poor wannabe frat boys had to dress up in lingerie walk around the dorm house and collect random things such as condoms,soda cans,and even a microwave. but that wasn’t all once all the pledges were back in their dorm their soon to be brothers had them pillow fight and spin on a baseball bat where they fell they had to do something sexual with whom ever happen to be standing there. this one got pretty wild. it still amazes me how far some people would go to be part of something. lol anyway fuck it its better for us because this shit is golden! Enjoy!

Watch Lingerie Party at HazeHim.com

HazeHim: Pledge Rodeo!

Pledge Rodeo! at HazeHim.com

We got some good ole country boys this week. This frat has a local farm where they apparently do all their hazing activities.. and shit, they are pretty creative. Naked pig chasing, naked bareback racing, and naked paintball.. yeeeee hawww!! The 3 winners get their prizes in the horse stable, and ooohhhh what a bunch of great prizes. Dildo in the ass, jerking off while a horse watches, and blowing your pledge brothers!!

Watch Pledge Rodeo at HazeHim.com

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

HazeHim: Less Than Six Gets A Glow Stick

Less Than Six Gets A Glow Stick at HazeHim.com

Sometimes its fun to just fuck with people and push their limits; and this week these crazy frat boys did just that. They treated their pledges like ass, making them measure their cocks and if they were less than 6″ then they are chicks. When one of the pledges got cocky, they had him give Lil’ Jacob some head. It’s funny to see how much these wannabe frat boys are willing to do to be accepted by their frat bros. They are willing to put up with so much shit that it’s impressive really in retrospect. The night ended with Vaseline and glow sticks. I’ll let you guys take a wild guess where those glow sticks went…

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HazeHim: Flash Jacking Around Town

Flash Jacking Around Town at HazeHim.com

This one was pretty interesting. The brothers of Beta Pi gave each one of these pledges there own personal flesh light and gave them the task of running around town and taking pictures of themselves in strange places. They weren’t too happy with the results when the pledges got back, so they decided to humiliate the crap out of them. They made them jack each other off with their flash jacks, blow each other and then one of the guys gets fucked in the ass!! LOL. This guy also got a nut busted on his head.. SPLOOGE HEAD!!!!!!

Watch Flesh Jacking Around Town at HazeHim.com

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

HazeHim: Mission Possible

Mission Possible at HazeHim.com

So these boys got creative. A couple of the elder frat brothers sent their new pledges out on a mission. They had to flash an old lady, skinny dip in a strangers pool and a bunch of other crazy shit and recorded it all on video. At the end they got a nice surprise when they opened their last challenge. Just how bad did these boys want to be frat brothers. Well you’ll find out.

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So these boys got creative. A couple of the elder frat brothers sent their new pledges out on a mission. They had to flash an old lady, skinny dip in a strangers pool and a bunch of other crazy shit and recorded it all on video. At the end they got a nice surprise when they opened their last challenge. Just how bad did these boys want to be frat brothers. Well you’ll find out.

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