
AmateurCollegeSex: Kenny & Chloe

Kenny & Chloe at AmateurCollegeSex

I have to confess right away that while filming Kenny in his first bit of hardcore action here at CF, it was all I could do to not keep the camera focused on that ass of his the entire time! As you’ll see in this vid, when he’s lying down on the bed with his face between Chloe’s legs while totally naked, he has himself one hot ass! It features prominently in this video, but I did my utmost to show the rest of his hot body and his hot face as well ;)

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AmateurCollegeSex: Caleb & Chloe

Caleb & Chloe at AmateurCollegeSex

When Caleb recently returned after a bit of a break – looking better than ever, in my opinion! – I was eager to get him filmed in as much action as possible! It was like finding a new toy, or rediscovering a favorite old one! He jumped right back into the thick of things over at ACM, getting fucked by Elijah and being the first to break Bryan into guy/guy action, and now he’s here on ACS with Chloe doing the fucking and putting that long dick of his to work!

Watch Caleb & Chloe at

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AmateurCollegeSex: Hugh

Hugh at AmateurCollegeSex

Finally! The opportunity to see big-dicked Hugh in action! Granted, his initial solo over on ACM involved a lot more action than usual! With that tight build and big dick, Hugh is one of those lucky guys that can actually suck his own cock, and he did precisely that during his solo video with us. So, I guess we can’t say we’ve never seen him get sucked (or suck, for that matter) before!

Watch Hugh at

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AmateurCollegeSex: Teasing Daniel

Teasing Daniel at AmateurCollegeSex

Even without my having mentioned it, anyone could have seen Daniel’s first solo video on ACM and realized he’s Ty’s brother. Not only do they look quite similar, but their voices and mannerisms are, as far as I’m concerned, practically identical! In fact, it’s been a source of confusion for me quite a few times!

Watch Daniel & Ty at

AmateurCollegeSex: Tom & Kate

Tom & Kate at AmateurCollegeSex

When Tom first appeared over at ACM, he went over extremely well! That isn’t surprising, given he’s a friendly and engaging guy who also happens to have a hot body, great face, and great dick. He’s a great fit for CF and seeing him in some action for the first time was something I was looking forward to from the moment I met him!

Watch Tom & Kate at

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

AmateurCollegeSex: Teasing Connor

Bryce & Chloe at AmateurCollegeSex

More and more people every day are discovering Connor and counting themselves among his many fans. Every day, I get e-mails from people commenting on how he’s gotten so much better with his performances and in his scenes and how he’s just become hotter and hotter since first arriving at CF! Connor won me over when he first arrived, but I do have to agree that he just gets hotter with every new video he’s in. He is the kind of guy that applies himself fully to anything he gets involved in, and that has included going out of his way to make his fans happy, win over new ones, look as great as possible, and really engage in some hot sex for our cameras and eyes!

Watch Dawson, Connor & Girl at

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AmateurCollegeSex: Bryce & Chloe

Bryce & Chloe at AmateurCollegeSex

Buff, built, and blond, Bryce is a fine, fine specimen of CF studliness and he’s making his debut at ACS today in some hot action with Chloe! This mature, confident, and hot young man won me over as a fan the instant I met him, and he continues to win me over even more with how great he looks here!

Watch Bryce & Chloe at

AmateurCollegeSex: Elijah & Cole’s Bi Tag Team

Elijah & Cole's Bi Tag Team at AmateurCollegeSex

After filming him in his solo, his tag-team here at ACS with Cooper, and the guy/guy action he eventually got around to trying out over on ACM, I knew Cole would be the perfect candidate for a full-on, hardcore bi scene. He’s one of the most sexual guys I’ve ever come across, and truly seems to get totally caught up in any action he’s in, entirely consumed by his dick and physical pleasure, and more than eager to let loose and have himself a good time. All of that most certainly comes in handy in the midst of a bi 3-way, what with all the flesh sprawled all over the place and all the action that’s possible!

Watch Elijah, Cole & The Girl at

AmateurCollegeSex: TJ & Bailey

TJ & Bailey at AmateurCollegeSex

It is most definitely a lot of fun having TJ back after his long absence. Whereas I can’t say I’d forgotten how stunningly good looking he is or anything of that sort, I can say that I’d certainly missed shooting this stud in action! His last appearance here on ACS was a reminder of what presence he has on camera, as he really went all out during his Teasing Dylan performance. Even Dylan couldn’t contain himself while watching TJ in action!

Watch TJ & Bailey at

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AmateurCollegeSex: Justin & Girlfriend

Justin & Girlfriend at AmateurCollegeSex

When Justin came out to film his first scene for ACS, he didn’t come alone! He brought his girlfriend with him, and she was as eager to film this video as he was! These two have been together for quite awhile – Justin and his girlfriend met at a bar, he took her virginity, and they’ve been together ever since!

Watch Justin & Girlfriend at

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AmateurCollegeSex: Sean & Mandy

Sean & Mandy at AmateurCollegeSex

Shy, quiet and totally bursting with innocence – if that’s possible – Sean is a guy I had no idea what to expect from when it came to filming this video. I found it particularly endearing the way he seemed so formal during his first appearance over at ACM, saying “saliva” instead of “spit” and “pubics” instead of “pubes”. Though he had some pretty hot stories, including about how he lost his virginity while on vacation on Hawaii and some other fun sex tales, it would not have surprised me in the least had he later confessed to still being a virgin and having made those tales up.

Watch Sean & Mandy at

AmateurCollegeSex: Josh & Brent’s Bi Tag Team

Josh & Brent's Bi Tag Team at AmateurCollegeSex

I don’t want to set the bar too high at the outset, but have to introduce this video with something that Brent told me almost shortly after we’d finished filming it. He and I were getting ready to go out to dinner with a few other models and crew that were around when Brent tapped me on the shoulder and pulled me aside. It was clear he had something he really wanted to say, while not wanting to do so in front of everyone.

Watch Josh & Brent at

AmateurCollegeSex: Lance & Lacey

Lance & Lacey at AmateurCollegeSex

Here with Lance, as he gets in to his first bit of hardcore action on camera, we’re seeing far more than just a guy fucking a girl! While I obviously enjoyed filming his tight body going to work and seeing that dick of his plunge in and out of a hole, the expressions on his face are what really kept catching my eye.

Watch Lance & Lacey at

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

AmateurCollegeSex: Connor & Bailey

Connor & Bailey at AmateurCollegeSex

With Connor’s body looking toner and hotter than ever, Connor sets out to fuck, get off, and have a total blast doing it. It’s no surprise he’s one of the top Deans List contenders and, putting on incredible shows as he’s been doing lately, I think it’s only a matter of time before he joins those ranks!

Watch Connor & Bailey at

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

AmateurCollegeSex: Bryan & Kate

Bryan & Kate at AmateurCollegeSex

Young, hung, and full of cum. What more can you ask for? It’s cliche as heck, but I’ll be the last person to complain when coming across a guy like that :) I felt it described Bryan perfectly as things led up to this scene being shot. He’s just 19 years old, and packing a dick that’s at least 8 inches. Even on that 6 foot, 4 inch frame it looks impressive! Further, before we got to filming him in some hardcore action here, he was pacing around looking as antsy as could be and I was worried he was way too nervous or about ready to freak out.

Watch Bryan & Kate at

AmateurCollegeSex: Chad & Bailey

Chad & Bailey at AmateurCollegeSex

So, time to see Chad in action! With his chiseled face and body (a body that has already won over a bunch of fans in no small part thanks to that hot chest hair!) there was no doubt Chad was going to look good while fucking. It was only a matter of getting him to do something he’s done countless times in private, yet this time for our cameras and eyes!

Watch Chad & Bailey at

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