Chance Armstrong

Boys Halfway House, Incident #185: Chance Armstrong Blows Clay in ‘Oral Therapy Works’

Incident #185: Oral Therapy Works (Chance Armstrong Blows Clay) at Boys Halfway House

Boys Halfway House: Not much to say about this loser (Chance Armstrong) except that his mouth is satin. He can’t hold down a job, make a bed, or cook for himself, but he sure can suck a dick. Oh, he can spend hours on end wasting his life on social media. I suppose if that’s a skill, it’s a skill he is good at as well.

Boys Halfway House, Incident #186: Failure Is An Opportunity (feat Chance Armstrong)

Incident #186: Failure Is An Opportunity (feat Chance Armstrong) at Boys Halfway House

Some residents just think that the Halfway House will be some sort of vacation for them. And so it is with this dipshit. He was barely here a week and he can’t even piss clean. After spitting on him and throat fucking him, I made him gag on my cock several times before I had him throw those legs in the air and introduce him to being a fuck toy.

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