Devin (Sean Cody)

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SeanCody: Addison & Devin

Addison & Devin at SeanCody

I’ve been making films for more than a few years now, and I’ve seen more than my share of hot sex, but even I have to say this one was exciting to watch. Devin started out this trip a little “standoffish” and he was definitely trying to throw some machismo around. Maybe it’s because he’s newly “out.” However, as this film opens up you can see Devin totally melted into submission as soon as Addison got his big hands on him!

Watch Addison & Devin at

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SeanCody: Devin Blows Carl

Devin Blows Carl at SeanCody

Last time Devin was out, I mentioned that I suspected he was moving toward “bi” territory. He’s just been really ambiguous about his sexuality, using gender-neutral pronouns and such.

He was in the car on the way back from picking up Carl. Carl had returned to get his giant dick sucked and Devin was going to be the lucky one to do it!…

Watch Devin & Carl at

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

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SeanCody: Devin & Reid

Devin & Reid at SeanCody

Devin and Reid are both really shy. As they sat on the couch, looking around nervously, I noticed that Devin’s pit sweat had soaked through his tight gray t-shirt. Reid was tapping his foot. We asked them to kiss. They leaned into each other tentatively and finally their lips met. To make a long story short, Reid aggressively fucked the shit out of Devin.

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