Helix Studios: Felix Harris, Tommy Ameal and Troy Mason in “Ski Winter Ride, Part 3: Snowball Fight”
Felix Harris, Tommy Ameal and Troy Mason in “Ski Winter Ride, Part 3: Snowball Fight” at Helix Studios.
Felix Harris, Tommy Ameal and Troy Mason in “Ski Winter Ride, Part 3: Snowball Fight” at Helix Studios.
In this episode of Helix Studios’ ‘Meet Me in Buenos Aires, Part Two: Looking for a Couple’ a couple, Felix Harris and Bautista Nores chat and send material to get to know Derek Nagy.
After the Helix Studios Latinos New Years Eve party, Felix Harris, Tommy Ameal, Cesar Rose and Mark Wolf went to visit Giorgio Angelo, who was unable to go to dinner.
The adventures of Helix Studios’ young Latino soccer players, Neil Scott, Felix Harris and Sly Conan, continue in the new episode of ‘Helix Soccer Team: Three Is a Match’.
Helix Studios: Italo Van Ewen is very tired, and as he sleeps peacefully in his chair, his dream leads him to remember his friends Felix Harris & Fabrice Rossi.
Helix Studios: One moon night and CESAR ROSE dreams of his friend FELIX HARRIS.
The all boy Helix Studios Academy: Latin Campus in Buenos Aires is brimming with scalding hot school boys, begging for an erotic education.
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