Kellan (Corbin Fisher)

Aside from being tall, dark and handsome, Kellan has a great sense of humor and an infectious smile. He keeps his thick muscled body in shape by running or swimming if he can find a pool.

CorbinFisher: Breaking In Kellan (Connor & Kellan) (Bareback)

Breaking In Kellan (Connor & Kellan) (Bareback) at CorbinFisher

We have most definitely waited far too long for this moment, but don’t worry – everything you’re about to see is worth that wait!

Kellan’s getting fucked!

We know this young stud looks even better today than when he first appeared on CF ages ago. We know he is passionate, intense, and hyper-sexual. We know Kellan’s facial expressions are absolutely priceless – and now we get to see those facial expressions while Kellan has Connor’s big dick in his ass!

Hang on tight, as we’re Breaking in Kellan!

Watch Kellan & Connor at

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

CorbinFisher: Kellan Creampies Harper (Bareback)

Kellan Creampies Harper (Bareback) at CorbinFisher

A year ago, I’d not have been able to imagine we’d be seeing more of Kellan. Okay that’s not entirely true – I’d imagine it over and over, but just didn’t suspect there was any real possibility we’d be treated to the sight of this stud in action with another man. At that point, it had been so long since we’d seen him I just figured he’d moved on to different things and we’d never hear from him again.

Watch Kellan and Harper at

Corbin Fisher: Kellan & Scott (Get Wet) (Bareback)

Kellan & Scott (Get Wet) (Bareback) at CorbinFisher

This is, undoubtedly, a monumental update! This is only our second time being treated to super stud Kellan in action with another guy, and we have most definitely waited a very long time for that. Speaking of waiting – this is also the first time we’re seeing Scott in almost a year! He’d been gone for awhile, but is back and I’m sure you’d agree we all couldn’t be happier.

Watch Kellan & Scott at

CorbinFisher: Kellan’s First Time (Kellan & Blake) (Bareback)

Kellan's First Time (Kellan & Blake) (Bareback) at CorbinFisher

Kellan‘s return to Corbin Fisher was greeted enthusiastically. Not just by us here (and Riley, who blew him in the back of the car on his way in!) but by the fans. The response has been phenomenal for this hot young stud, who teased us a couple years ago with a hot solo and guy/girl episode.

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American College Sex: Kellan Piledrives Lauren

Brant Unloads on Lauren at American College Sex

Returning freshman hottie Kellan is eager to show new coed Lauren what he’s got for her. Lauren’s been having a blast since she got to campus, hungry for all the hot college dick she can get. She’s been eyeing Kellan, attracted by his handsome face and tight body.

Watch Kellan & Lauren at AmericanCollegeSex

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Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall