Lance Ford

Markie More Fucks Lance Ford in ‘Breaking in the Tub’ at NextDoorWorld

Breaking in the Tub (Markie More Fucks Lance Ford) at Next Door World

As boyfriend Markie sleeps, Lance Ford draws a bath in the freshly renovated bathroom that has just been completed. This being the first weekend since it was finished, neither has gotten the chance to really unwind in the tub, so Lance has decided that instead of breakfast in bed, this weekend will kick off with a wet tryst. As Markie enters, he sees Lance sitting in the tub waiting.

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Scotty Zee Fucks Lance Ford in ‘Poke-U-Man Go’ at NextDoorWorld

Poke-U-Man Go (Scotty Zee Fucks Lance Ford) at Next Door World

With everyone playing, catching the little buggers proves harder and harder to do, and so the resourceful player will resort to unorthodox tactics in attempts to catch them all. Such is the strategy currently being employed by Scotty Zee, who has tracked one to a stranger’s backyard. The only problem is that when Scotty knocks on the door to gain entrance to the back yard, he is greeted by Lance Ford, fellow master and quite a hot piece of ass, for what it’s worth.

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