Boys Halfway House, Incident #174: Swamp Rat Pounding (feat. Mac Dawson)
This swamp rat was one of the guys who was ordered into a home. At the precious age of 18 has already seen a lot of institutionalization in his life. However, he’s used to running away whenever he feels like it. Typically the consequences used to be a slap on the wrist, and maybe some extra dish or laundry chores.
Raunchy Bastards #163 (Creeper Casting): Stranded Teen Goes Gay For Cash and a Ride Home
I had met Mac Dawson once before, but never laid my hands on him. Although I offered him a lot of money (or what for him I though was a lot of money), he steadfastly refused to do anything gay. I let it rest, knowing that I had planted a seed in his brain. The next time he was hard-up, I figured I’d hear from him. Well, I heard from him a lot sooner that I thought I would!