Series: Fast & Vicious

“Fast & Vicious” is a multipart series from that follows the dangerous world of gangsters, police officers, and undercover agents. The story revolves around Malik Delgaty, a boxer turned enforcer who gets caught up in a world of illicit dealings and power struggles. Gangster Austin Wolf Dominates Skyy Knox’s Hole in ‘Fast & Vicious, Part 2’

Fast & Vicious, Part 2 (Gangster Austin Wolf Dominates Skyy Knox's Hole) at

Watch the explosive Fast & Vicious Part 2 scene on When gangster Austin Wolf suspects that Skyy Knox is wearing a wire during an exchange, he takes matters into his own hands. After some emergency damage control, Austin dominates Skyy’s hole in a hot fuck session that includes rimming, wall sex, and riding. Boxer Malik Delgaty Fucks Presley Scott in ‘Fast & Vicious, Part 1’

Fast & Vicious, Part 1 (Malik Delgaty Fucks Presley Scott) at Malik Delgaty gets a proposition he can’t refuse from a gangster (Austin Wolf) and offers his own proposal to the hot driver, Presley Scott. After Presley gets turned on during a pat-down, Malik takes advantage and they engage in an intense sexual encounter. However, Malik has doubts about what he’s signed up for, despite the passion.