
CollegeDudes247: Jack Griffin Services Ben Moore (Parts 1 & 2)

Jack Griffin Services Ben Moore (Parts 1 & 2) at CollegeDudes247

Since Ben Moore first stripped down and showed us his beautiful bod, we have been begging this stud to come back for more. Ben, however, has been more than a little iffy about doing guy-guy vids. Thankfully, Ben finally relented and agreed to get serviced by our resident hottie Jack Griffin! Since this was Bens first time with another dude, we wanted to make sure he was very relaxed, and thus Jack starts off with a nice long and slow massage to get everyone in the mood. This tactic seems to work, because it was not too long before Jack was sticking his tongue in Bens ass, and by the end of the massage, Ben is standing at attention!

Watch Jack & Ben at

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