
Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

ChaosMen: Lincoln & Ransom (Serviced)

Lincoln & Ransom (Serviced) at ChaosMen

As I mentioned last week, Lincoln has had a ‘prostate massage’ from a girl before, so he knows his back door likes that attention.

Ransom sets to work getting Lincoln hard, and despite his skills, Lincoln stays pretty wobbly. Lincoln even tells him to “rub it” but I think Ransom was unsure what part he needed rubbing, so he started working on his balls. Finally I step in and tell him to flip him over and pay attention to his ass.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & Pax (Serviced)

Griffin & Pax (Serviced) at ChaosMen

As mentioned last week, Pax has had sex with one guy over a longer period of time. It really sounded lopsided, with Pax getting head and fucking the dude, without reciprocating. Doesn’t sound like a lot of intimacy happened. Not even sure he jerked his buddy off. He would put himself in the 90 percent straight category.

ChaosMen: Griffin Barrows & Jeremiah (Serviced)

Griffin & Jeremiah (Serviced) at ChaosMen

Ok, so I have more than two words, but that about sums this video up. Not only is the oral amazing, but these two are REALLY kissing each other. Jeremiah pulls him for a quick kiss, then it becomes a full on mac session! They follow each intense round of face-fucking with some deep hot kissing!

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall

Broke Straight Boys Superwide Banner #2

ChaosMen: Joaquin & Shiloh (Serviced)

Joaquin & Shiloh (Serviced) at ChaosMen

I have to admit, Shiloh sure had it easy this time out! Joaquin was getting hard from the moment his towel slid away. He is crazy responsive to every single touch that Shiloh give him. From massaging his shoulders, his ass, then tempting his cock fully awake with gentle caresses, Joaquin was totally worked up into a sexual frenzy.

Life Is Better With BelAmi 2022 – Superwide & Tall