Seth Jenkins

BaitBuddies: Seth Jenkins (Str8) & Nathaniel Andrews (Bait)

Seth Jenkins (Str8) & Nathaniel Andrews (Bait) on

We hired a college student this week as our new bait guy. His name is Nathan Andrews, he has a cute smooth twinkish type of body and adorable smile. He says he excels at math and gay sex. During his interview, he told us about this straight kid Seth in his math class who he’s be tutoring for several months now and how he really wants to get into this dude’s pants. We asked him “If we get him in the studio would you have the guts to have sex with him?”, and he enthusiastically told us, “Oh yeah”! So he set the deal up with Seth Jenkins and on the day of the shoot our unsuspecting straight guy came to do his very first porn video, make a few bucks and get his rocks off with a hot girl.

Watch Seth Jenkins & Nathaniel Andrews at

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